Chapter 30

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⚠️Trigger warning: mentions of alcohol⚠️

Akaashi POV

I woke up next to something extremely warm. I snuggled into it more. Weird. I didn't remember bringing my life size body pillow of Levi Ackerman to bed last night. Actually, I couldn't remember anything about last night.

The Levi pillow grunted and rolled over.

Wait a damn minute...

My eyes snapped open and I came directly in eye contact with Bokuto's bare chest.

I screamed and fell out of my bed. His bed. What the heck was I doing, shirtless, lying in bed next to Bokuto.

Well I was in bed. Now I am on the floor.

Bokuto shot up, eyes opening immediately. "Akaashi! What's wrong? Why did you scream? Wait... 'Kaashi? Wait are you doing here? And why am I not wearing a shirt? And why are you on the floor? And why are you shirtless as well? And what's that- OH NO!"

It was clear that Bokuto didn't have much memory of last night either.

I stretched my neck, wincing slightly. I must have slept on it funny. "Why did you trail off your sentence Bokuto-San? And why did you say oh no?"

He gulped. "You might want to look in the mirror Akaashi."

I stood up and walked over to his bathroom, kind of confused. Why would I need to look in the mirror?

"What the heck?" I exclaimed, examining the purple marks on my neck. I had either been attacked by several mosquitoes, or judging by the situation we had woken up in, something had happened between Bokuto and I.

"Oh my god Akaashi, I am so sorry, I don't even remember doing it! All I remember from last night was dinner then we were playing 21 questions then we were both drunk and then I think we kissed and I can't think of anything else!" Bokuto said, almost crying.

"It's okay Bokuto. I can't remember much either." I assured him.

Once we had both gotten dressed, and put our shirts back on, we sat at the table in the dinning table and tried to recollect our memories.

We had figured out everything up to a question I asked. "I think I asked if you liked anyone." I remembered.

I could almost see the lightbulb go off in Bokuto's head. "Oh right! And I started describing them! Then I asked you if you like anyone. And I think you said... that you liked me?"

Shit. I had. "Then we kissed and I think we um... had other plans but we fell asleep. But it was probably just the alcohol making us do that." I said hurriedly, trying to play off my blushing as a hangover.

'Blame it on the alcohol' I thought. 'I messed up confessing last night.'

Bokuto took my hand from under the table. "Well I personally, don't regret a thing from last night. Except maybe all the alcohol. And doing that to your neck. And-" he fumbled his words.

Oh. My. God. Did he actually mean that? Or was that just an attempt of trying to be smooth? Am I overthinking this?

"So what I really wanted to say was, I like you Akaashi. A lot. And I hope you feel the same way. But if you don't then that's okay too I'll just-"

I laughed, cutting him off. God, he is adorable. "I like you too Bokuto. And I have for a really long time."

His jaw dropped. "Really 'kaashi? Do you mean that?"

I nodded, smiling. "You know the way we are supposed to go to the zoo today? Let's make it a date."

He smiled like a kid who was just given candy.

"I would like nothing more."

Then he fell off his chair. He had almost successfully made a smooth comment without messing up. Maybe someday.


Finally, it begins! Also Happy Easter tomorrow for those who celebrate it. If not, happy Sunday I guess. Thanks for reading!

Written 3rd of April 2021

Edited 15th of April 2022 what it's been a full year? Holy shit

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