Chapter 16

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3rd person POV

Now that the 'meme lords' as they called themselves and Nishinoya and Tanska had shown up the real game was starting. "Truth or dare? Boring. Let's play T.O.D.S.T.B.S.O.P.K.M.K.M.L.T edition." Said Tanaka. "Yes!" Screamed Noya. Everyone else blinked in shook. "I'm sorry, what?" Asked Iwazumi.

"Tanaka, we are with some seriously uneducated people here. It's truth or dare, spin the bottle, smash or pass, kiss marry kill, most likely too drink edition."

"Ahhh I see" Bokuto, Kuroo, Tendou and Oikawa nodded. "Um I don't, please explain" asked Yaku. "Of course the atom wouldn't understand. He clearly lacks docosahexaenoic acid." Kuroo sniggered.

"Shut up you rooster!" Yaku shouted back. "Huh? What are they on about?" Asked Bokuto, who was extremely confused. "Docosahexaenoic acid is used for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. It is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. The inclusion of plentiful Docosahexaenoic acid in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of it are associated with deficits in learning." Recited Akaashi and Kenma in synchronization. They got a lot of confused looks. "We went to a private school that you could only attend through a scholarship ship. You couldn't get in if you had an IQ of under 125. We both have an average of over 135."

"What?!" Shouted Hinata, Kageyama, Bokuto, Tanaka, Noya, Kuroo and Tendou. "Mine is 107!" Exclaimed Hinata. "I've got a genius for a boyfriend?" A still shocked Kuroo said. "What's an IQ?" Asked Kageyama. Everyone facepalmed. "Ok, Atomic number 67. Explain the game." While Kuroo explained how to play, Bokuto whispered "I still don't know what Yaku is talking about with these weird physic jokes." In Akaashi's ear.

Akaashi was seriously gay panicking on the inside at Bokuto's lips in such close proximity but remained calm. "It's chemistry jokes Bokuto-San. And he said that because the atomic number 67 is well... it's called Ho."

Bokuto stifled his laugh by digging his head onto Akaashi's shoulder. That was too much for Akaashi. He turned bright red, glad that Bokuto couldn't see him, but unfortunately, he could see that Kenma, Suga and Yaku all had a knowing smirk in their faces. 'Oh god.' Akaashi thought.'One person invested in my love life was enough. By the looks of it, now there's 3.'

"Okay, so basically one person will start and they will pick person and ask them one of the things, for example, Kenma, smash or pass Kuroo?" "Pass" Kenma chose. "One: okay, ouch and two:that's not what you said last night" Kuroo said, winking suggestively. " Nope, not in front of the children!" Shouted Suga, covering Hinata's ears.

"We get it, I'll go first. This is for everyone. Most likely to get arrested?" 4 people said Bokuto, 4 people said Kuroo, but everyone else voted for Tendou. He happily took the shot that he had poured after 'winning' as he said. "Iwazumi, spin the bottle." Suga pulled out an empty bottle, seriously where was he getting things from? And Iwazumi spun it. It slowly spun to a stop on... Kageyama?

"Don't do it Iwa-Chan!" Begged Oikawa, but Iwazumi had already started walking over. He gave him a kiss on the cheek and walking back to his seat next to Oikawa. Hinata and Oikawa let out a sigh of relief. "You never said it had to be on the lips" Iwazumi shrugged. "Bokuto, kill kiss marry Akaashi Kuroo and Ushijima."

Suga sipped his tea in anticipation. When had he got that? Never mind.

"I would, sorry Ushiwaka, kill Ushi, kiss Kuroo and marry Akaashi

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"I would, sorry Ushiwaka, kill Ushi, kiss Kuroo and marry Akaashi." He decided. While Bokuto and Kuroo were having their 'bro!' Moment Akaashi was wondering why Bokuto had picked him. "Bokuto-San, I literally met you today, why would you marry me?" Asked Akaashi quietly. "Are you kidding me? We have been talking for like a month now, and you're really funny. Not to mention that you are fucking attractive" Bokuto shouted, a little too loud. Akaashi flinched a little, but no one took much notice, except Suga, Yaku and Iwazumi.

"Hinata, smash or pass Kageyama?" Bokuto asked. Who knew Bokuto could actually pick up on the feelings in the room when he was so oblivious to Akaashi's? "P-probably s-smash" he stuttered turning red. Kageyama also turned red.

"Akaashi truth or dare!" Hinata quickly said, trying to change the subject. "Truth" he chose in his monotone voice. "What was the worst thing that ever happened to you?" He pondered for a moment. "Probably high school" he admitted. "Huh? Really? Why?" Questioned Hinata. "Not now Shoyo" Kenma butted in, actually looking up from his PPS. You know things are serious when Kenma stops playing his video games.

"It's fine Kenma. Just the usual stuff, bullied for playing volleyball and being gay and stuff." Akaashi said casually. Kenma let out a sigh of relief. Thankfully he didn't tell them he whole thing.

'He is gay?' Wondered Bokuto. 'Yes now I have a chance!'


So I have a few other story ideas in my head, comment which ship I should write them about.

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