Chapter 17

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Akaashi POV

"I'm bored" whined Kuroo. "Shut up you big baby" muttered Kenma. "I HAVE AN IDEA!" Shouted Oikawa. "We should play a bunch of volleyball games and the losers have to do a punishment chosen by the winners. We can do teams of three"

"Shut up Trashykawa" growled Iwazumi, while hitting him in the head. "That's actually a good idea" Makki said, proud of their captain. "Ok, I'll decide the teams. We'll have... Kageyama, Hinata and Lev, Tsukkishima, Oikawa and Iwazumi, Daichi, Yaku and I, Tendou, Bokuto and Akaashi, Kenma, Kuroo and Tanaka, and finally, Yamaguchi, Ushijima and Hanamaki." Suga said, "But there is an uneven number. We need one more person, preferably a setter."

"Ooh! We can get Semi Semi or Shirabowlcut!" Offered Tendou. "He means Semi, who was the third year setter or Shirabu, who was the second year official setter." Clarified Ushijima. "Let's ask Semi" Suga picked, sympathetic to his story. After all, the same thing happened to him.

10 minutes later, Semi came and joined Mattsukawa and Noya. Yaku drew a score sheet on a piece of paper and explained the rules to us. "Okay so, if you lose a match you are eliminated. First to give points wins. Basic enough."

The first match was Tsukkishima, Oikawa and Iwazumi playing against Suga, Daichi and Yaku. It was close, but Oikawa had a terrifying jump serve and amazing setting skills so his team won. 'I wish I could be as good setter like him' I thought. "Akgaashi, can you do that?" Asked Bokuto, still pronouncing my name wrong. "No, not really." I had been able to do a jump serve in my third year which had made me the official setter while I was in third year. Kenma had been the setter while we were in second year and our upperclassman was the setter while we were first years.

"Yes he can" said Kenma bluntly. "He is just too modest to admit it." Woah, Kenma giving praise? This day was full of surprises. "Awww Akgaashi, your so modest." Sighed Bokuto,acting like he knew that before now. Next Ushijima's team played against Semi's team. The match went on for ages, Nishinoya was an amazing libero but Yamaguchi could do a jump float and Ushijima's team ended up winning.

Hinata, Lev and Kageyama were playing against Kenma, Kuroo and Tanaka. I definitely thought that Kenma would win but Hinata and Kageyama did some sort of weird quick attack and ended up winning. My jaw dropped. "What the heck?" I asked. "That's what I ask myself. Constantly." Muttered Tsukkishima, even though he was wearing headphones.

Then it was our teams turn. We were playing Oikawa, Iwazumi and Tsukkishima. Tendou got really excited when he heard for some weird reason. Oikawa served first and got the point. He served and got the next point, but the third time he served Tendo was able to receive it. "Akaashi!" I ran over and set it up for Bokuto. "Bokuto-San!" He hit an impossible cross shot. "AKGAASHI! DID YOU SEE THAT?" He shouted. "That was great Bokuto-San" I said. We kept playing and soon it was 4-4. It was my turn to serve. 'Should I just do a regular serve and get it back so that I can set to Bokuto?' I wondered. I saw Kenma glaring at me and mouthing the word "Jump serve." Guess I'll try that then. I threw it up, jumped and hit the ball. "Out!" Called Iwazumi. It slammed down into the corner of our drawn-out court. "In!" declared Ushijima, who was referring this match because he wouldn't be biased. "What? A jump serve? That's my thing!" Pouted Oikawa. "Shut up Trashykawa" yelled Iwazumi. "Nice serve Akaashi" said Tendou. Bokuto got a bit more excited. "AKGAASHIIIIIIII! NICE SETTING! NICE SERVING! NICE GAME! YOUR THE BEST SETTER!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "Wow, way to make me feel better" sniveled Oikawa. Was he crying? We kept winning all of our matches until we were in the finals, playing against Hinata, Kageyama and Lev.

Hinata served first. It ended up hitting the net so that was our point. Tendou served next be Kageyama received it. They did their quick attack and got the point. It went on like this for a while, never getting too far ahead of the other team. They were at set point and Lev was serving. He hit it over and I received it. Tendou spiked it but Kageyama dug it up. Hinata hit it and Bokuto revived it. "Nice receive!" Bokuto shouted. To himself?

Lev received it and Kageyama set it for Hinata. They did the quick it landed was heading for the very center of the court so Tendou ran over and received it. I ran over to set it to Bokuto. He hit it in an insane line shot, just in. I was in shock. Bokuto and I, who had never played together before just beat all the other teams. "AKGAASHI!" Bokuto shouted in joy, picking me up and spinning me around as if we had just won the lottery, not a silly volleyball match.

Kenma, Yaku, Suga, Iwazumi and... Semi? Smirked evilly at my red face. Semi had literally shown up 40 minutes ago and he was already invested in my crush. There was 5 Kenmas now, I could barely deal with one. "Okay Bokuto, Akaashi and Tendou, you get to pick a dare for the losing team." Suga, Daichi and Yaku had lost. "Ok, do you have any ideas?" Asked Bokuto .

"Well, I think that everyone played really well, so maybe no one individually should have to do the dare, we could do like, a group dare?" Suggested Akaashi. "Oh, that's a good idea!" Agreed Tendou. They told their friends the idea and they all agreed. "How about we weigh ourselves and the lightest person has to try lift the heaviest person?" Laughed Kuroo.

Akaashi froze. 'Shit.' Today was not the best day not to eat all day.


More angst because I have nothing better to do 😃 Also I have homework that I didn't do due tomorrow morning on a live class so I'm screwed:)

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