Chapter 12

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Bokuto POV

By the time the second act came Kuroo and I were bawling. IT WAS SO SAD!!! I don't know how Akaashi and Kenma didn't even look sad, let alone cry. I think that they are a different species. Like how can someone be that perfect and attractive? And Kenma is there too.

At the end of stay alive Kuroo was sobbing into Kenma's shoulder and I had used a whole box of tissues. I looked over at Akaashi, surely he was sad by now but to my surprise he was mouthing along to the words. 'Did he know the song? Well obviously if he is mouthing along to the words baka. I wonder if he is a good singer. He should sing them out loud. And why isn't he crying?'

The movie ended and all together Kuroo and I had eaten 10 bags of crisps, 2 packets of popcorn, a whole box of chocolate, drank 6 cans of coke and used 2 boxes of tissues and ruined one of Kenma's jumpers. Well that was Kuroo who ruined it and Kenma was wearing one of Kuroo's jumpers so it was ok. Akaashi and Kenma hadn't eaten anything or used any tissues so they made us clean up while they did whatever responsible people did, like the dishes or something I don't know.

Akaashi POV

Kenma dragged me off and looked at me with a concerning glint in his cat-like eyes. "I have a plan." He announced. "A plan for what exactly?" I asked. "Simple, to get you and Bokuto together." He replied. "Kenma!" I whisper shouted. "No!" He had tried to set me up before while in high school, but it never worked. "Kenma promise me that you won't mess with our relationship" I said. He pouted and considered it for a minute before grudgingly agreeing. "Fine" he said, drawing out the i like a child does when they are annoyed.

"Good, now let's get back before they get suspicious" I said while walking back up the stairs. "Suspicious of what?" He questioned. "Just suspicious ok?" I called, climbing the stairs. When we got back they had just finished tidying up. "So what would you like to do now?" I asked. "Truth or dare" said Kenma while smirking. "Kenma contributed to a conversation? Are you feeling ok kitten?" Kuroo asked, fully serious.

I knew better. I gave him a death glare because I knew exactly what he was doing. "Yes let's do it!" Bokuto cheered. "Ok" agreed Kuroo. I was outnumbered. "Fine." I said through gritted teeth. "There is not enough of us, let's invite a few others over" Kuroo said while already texting people. A few minutes later there was 12 new people in the room.

"Hi I'm Hinata!" A small boy with orange hair said while bouncing around the room. "I'm Kageyama" a black hair dude said while chasing after him. I learned that the one with spiky hair was Iwazumi, the tall brunette next to him was Oikawa, I already knew Suga and Daichi, Kenma must have invited them over, freckles was called Yamaguchi, the salty blonde with glasses was Tsukki, the kind of insane looking, tall person with red hair is Tendou, the man who roughly resembled the hulk except with brown hair was Ushijima, the annoyingly tall silver haired boy was Lev and the really short boy with sandy brown hair was called Yaku.

"Now that the gangs all here, time to play truth or dare!" Said Kuroo.


I return with another chapter! Originally I was just going to have the four of them playing truth or dare, but life is always better when you add in a few more ships😁 I am writin this while inside my wardrobe because I was supposed to turn off my phone. I'm allergic to dust and it's really dusty so I keep sneezing.

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