Chapter 41

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Akaashi POV

"Akaashi. Get your lazy ass off the chair and your face off the table. We are going now come on!"


Grumpy Kenma.


What a treat.

"Where are we going?" I asked while being shoved into his car.

Why am I always being pushed and dragged places?

What am I, some sort of dog toy?

"God you're dense. I thought that you were supposed to be smart. We are going to your boyfriends house. Now hurry up, I want my waffles."

"Why am I connected to waffles?" I wondered.

"Because. I wanted waffles and you were sitting at the table. You were in my way."

"And you couldn't have just asked me to move instead of driving us like half an hour to Bokuto's house?" I asked.


I rolled my eyes. I don't think that I have ever won an argument against Kenma. He is to stubborn and difficult.

"We are here now. Go leave so I can eat my waffles. Make up and all that stuff. Bye."

I stood outside the familiar blue door and sighed.

I pushed on the handle and the door sprung open. His car was in the driveway so I know that he is home.

Here goes nothing I guess.

"Bokuto?" I called out hesitantly.

We hadn't spoken or even seen each other since the Terushima incident.

I heard a lot of crashing coming from the kitchen and a quiet 'ow!' before he finally emerged.

But the biggest shock I had was that he wasn't wearing hair gel. His hair was down. I thought he never left it down. It was... nice.

"Akaashi! Hi! Hello! Good day! Or... morning I guess? What time is it? But hey! Bonjour! Guten Tag! Greetings!"

Had anyone ever said hello that much in one sentence?

"Uh hi?" I laughed awkwardly. You could cut the tension in this room with a knife.

"Look I just wanted to say-"

"Akaashi I am really-"

We both spoke at the same time.

"Oh sorry. You can go first." We also both said, synchronized.

I took a deep breath and started.

At the same time that Bokuto did.

"Bokuto I swear that I had no idea-"

"Akaashi I know I over-reacted-"

Oh my god. Will I ever get to apologize to him?

"You know, being so in sync means that we are destined to be soul mates forever." Bokuto joked.

I looked into his eyes for the first time since I had stepped in the door.

The honey-golden (I really don't want to say orbs because that is a really stereotypical word but I can't think of any other word so) orbs were filled with happiness, but also guilt and sorrow. And love. So, so much love. Whoever this person lived was very lucky to have all that compassion directed towards them.

And at the moment, they were directed towards me.

"Am I Forgiven?" He asked.

I giggled. How could I say no to those cute puppy eyes. Spending time with him is making me soft. I was able to resist them at the start of the week.

"Of course." I replied.

While he went into the kitchen to clean up some dishes I went on my phone to scroll through Instagram as I had not been active in a few days.

'Oh shit.'


Ayyyy happy pride month! Also This book is almost over, just a few more chapters. Are y'all ready for that? Sick of this basic story with no real plot line?

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