Chapter 34

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Akaashi POV

After spending almost a whole hour with the owls, Bokuto finally left after saying goodbye to each and every owl, which he had named.

There was about 40 so it took a while.

And of course, despite having eaten only two hours ago, Bokuto claimed he was starving and demanded an ice cream.

After 10 minutes of debating I gave in and bought him one.

We started walking towards the primate area and just before we arrived, he dropped it.


He looked like he was about to cry so I quickly gave him mine to shut him up.

He is like a child, easily made mad and bribed.

After biting the top off (I bite ice cream, I refuse to type that he licked it) he gasped and I dove to catch the ice cream that he managed to drop, again, but this time he didn't seem to mind.


He dropped his ice cream for this? Well my ice cream? Seriously?

"Did you really have to drop both our ice creams for this? You could have just asked me for one." I told him.

That left him speechless.

"Akaashi can I have a kiss?" He asked hopefully.

I pondered for a minute.


"But why?" He pouted.

"You dropped. Your ice cream. Then my ice cream. Both of our ice creams."

I said, walking past him and heading towards the monkeys.

It took the time for us to walk by the chimpanzees, baboons, gibbons, orangutans, zebras, giraffes, elephants, kangaroos, koalas and wombats before he finally cheered up (completely unimportant to the storyline, but two years ago I went to Australia and we went to a wildlife park, I had a snake around my neck and a wombat pissed on my shoe in the middle of the photograph. It was an interesting shot.)

(Also why is there a literal 50 comment thread speaking about someone who has said they had a snake in their hair. Wtf?)

"Akaashi look!" Said Bokuto, pointed at a sign in front of an enclosure.

There was a competition and the person who donated the most to the animals would get a private, in the cages tour of the zoo.

"I'm going to enter!"

Before I could stop him, he had pulled out his phone and opened the website it said on the sign. He proceeded to donate 10,000. (Idk what type of money to use so I'm not going to bother.)

"That's way too much!" I protested. Everyone rose was probably only donating 20 and there was Bokuto with 10,000.

"Well, when we do win, it will make a great date." He said, winking.

After a long time at the zoo, I made sure we left well before the zoo closed. We were just about to leave when Bokuto jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the entrance gate.


I just sat in the passenger seat of the car, used to his strange behavior by now.

About 10 minutes later, he returned with something behind his back.

"Here Keiji! Present!" He said handing me a chain with an owl charm at the bottom.

He drove out the gates of the zoo while I put it around my neck.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He almost crashed the car.



I am going back to school for the first time in 5 months so wish me luck. Since school and all the shit will be taking up all my time, I will only be updating on Saturdays from now on. Hope you understand! Thanks!

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