Chapter twenty two

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OKAY so anyway THANKS FOR FOLLOWING ME Maddycat116!!!! It means a lot! Oh and guys go read her fanfic, it's really cool.
So here's chapter twenty two
Love y'all ;D
--------------------Annabeth's POV
A few normal, boring days have passed. Percy has been acting kinda odd around me, and won't look me in the eye. It's aggravating. Very.
I'm actually on my way to his apartment right now, he wants to watch a movie. like a movie date type deal, I guess.
My old truck squeaks to a stop at the red light. The person in front of me speeds up and runs the light, causing some old lady to honk the horn constantly for like two minutes.
Yeah, that's not annoying.
Anyway, I finally pull up in the parking lot of Percy's apartment, and walk into the lobby. The elevator is packed, so I decide to just take the stairs.
At the top of the third flight, I open the door and come out in the hallway.
I knock on the door and wait for like two seconds before a smiling Sally Jackson opens it for me.
"Annabeth! It's always wonderful to see you, come on in."
I swear, she's the sweetest lady on the planet.
"Hey Mrs. Jackson!"
She scowls at me playfully. "Call me Sally."
I nod. "Where's Percy?"
"His room. Why don't you go talk to him?"
"Okay, thanks."
"Have fun." she winks.
I smile and roll my eyes.

I walk in to see Percy staring intently at his phone, so I decide to sneak up on him.
I walk silently toward where he's laying on the bed, and then pounce.
He screams like a five year old girl and I just laugh.
He recovers after falling off the bed and almost choking a few times, glaring at me.
"You. evil. demon." Percy says.
I smile innocently, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure. sure you don't."
---------------------- later
I blow Percy a kiss as I walk out the door, and he pretends to catch it.
"Good choice, watching the maze runner." he says.
"Yeah, sure was."
"Aren't you supposed to say thanks or something?"
"No, not really." I reply.
He chuckles.
"Love you, idiot." I tell him.
"Love you too, wise girl."
Tonight had really cleared up my doubts and thoughts about this whole thing. I know for sure that I love Percy, he loves me and we go together.
It just works out.

-------------authors note
there's action coming up...

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