chapter thirty five

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———-Percy's POV

As we walked back to the car, Annabeth seemed to be thinking something over in her mind. Apparently something about me, because she kept sending glares in my direction, and she kept her arms folder across her chest. She also kept switching from a confused expression back to a hatefull one, directed at me. I could guess that the second was caused by the first, she always hated being confused. Seriously hated it.

And i can also guess that she's confused about everything, so that would make it worse. I'm not really sure why, but she doesn't remember me...

Actually she does remember me, probably. I mean, Annabeth never looked at strangers in the was she is looking at me.

But how would she not remember Wise Girl?

And why would she hate me?

The last thing she got mad at me was... before she died, obviously. I think it was about how I was too jealous or something. I'm not sure. All I know for sure is that Annabeth Chase, who I've loved since I was twelve, and who was my girlfriend, died last year. It was in a battle we were fighting, not an uncommon thing, and she got stabbed in the chest. She died in my arms a few minutes later.

And now, walking in front of me is a girl named Annabeth, she looks the same and talks the same and wears the same style clothes, she just doesn't seem exactly the same. Cause she doesn't remember Wise Girl.

And also, she's mad at me.

I've waited a whole year, thinking she was dead, and when she's not, she wont even talk to me. She hates me.

What could I have done to make her mad at me?

This isn't what I expected at all.

When we get into the car, she sits next to me, since it's the only available seat. I bet she wouldv'e gotten in the front if Grover wasn't there, just to be away from me. After fastening her seat belt, she turns away from me, staring out the window. The car isn't even moving yet.

Then Thalia gets in and starts up the engine, and we are off.

The roads are emty, until I hear the police sirens coming in our direction. I share a panicked look with Grover.

And then of course, they pass, headed in the direction of the blown up taco bell.

I let out a breath.


"So," Thalia says awkwardly, after a while. "We're headed to Camp Half Blood! Everyone's gonna be so excited to see you, Annabeth, but it might be a little weird, your grave is over there. Don't worry, Perce still hasn't moved your stuff from the Athena cabin, so you'll still have a bunk and everything,"

Thalia smiles a genuine smile, and Annabeth just stares at her with a slight scowl.

That's when I knew for sure that this was real, she wasn't really here, I had never seen that expression on her face.

"Uh," She says, "What the hell is camp half blood?"

I gasp commically while Grover's jaw drops. 

I cover bury my face in my hands as Thalia slams on the breaks and Grover stops playing his pipes.

The tempurature seemed to drop.

"Excuse me?" Thalia said quietly, after a moment.

Annabeth was still just looking at us weirdly. "What is a half blood? And why would I have a grave?"

"Gods, no," Grover squeaked.

"Why do you guys keep saying gods? It's GOD."

"Don't you remember?" I asked cautiously.

"Remember what?"

"Anything about your life," Thalia said.

Annabeth rolled her stormy eyes. "Duh, and i remember all of you,"

Thalia let out a sigh of relief, but then looked at her again.

"So," Pinecone face said, "That would mean you remember camp half blood, which you obviously don't."

"Cause I've never been to camp half blood."

"What do you remember, then?" I ask.

"um," Annabeth said, "Everything, why wouldn't i remember my life? You," She pointed at Thalia," and Luke were best friends, along with me, but he got into drugs and stuff I dont know. You lived near him when you were little. So did I, till mom died. You," She pointed at Grover," Were always Percy's friend. I never really talked to you. " She sighed and then pointed to me. "And you, i became friends with you and some other people-" 

I stopped her, "Who?" I said. This story was so wrong, I don't know where she got it from.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and continued. "Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Hazel, and Frank. Duh, you were there too, you should know."

"No I wasn't."

She just kept on talking. "Anyway, after that summer, you turned all bad boy and ignored me, and then we started dating this year, after the crash. "

I raised an eyebrow. Crash?

"After a while, I uh, went to a party. " She looked down. "You cheated on me, we broke up a few months ago. I ran away. Simple," She kinda sniffled."Don't you, uh, remember?"

I couldn't decide if i should try to comfort her, or be mad. I decided to go inbetween.

"I have no idea where you got that idea, but all of it is wrong." I stated.

She looked up at me with a confused face.

"I don't believe you, idiot."


It's Not Cinderella (percabeth)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora