chapter nineteen (part two)

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I decided to voice my opinion. 

"I'm suprised you could prosses that idea without hurting yourself. Like seriously."

He glares at me. "I can be smart." He mumbles the last part, probably hoping I didn't hear it. "Sometimes,"

"Rarely. So fine, I'll come down the tree." I swing one leg over the window sill, and place my foot in a nook between two huge branches. Next I grab ahold of the branch and move so that both of my feet are on the branch. There aren't many footholds on this tree, so it takes me a while to get down. About ten feet from the ground, I didn't see any other places to steady myself.

"Perce, there's no where else to put my feet."

"Hmmmm." He has a devilish smile. "You could jump."

My eyes widen. Stupid, yeah? "No way! Why the heck would I do that?!?" 

"Do you trust me?" He asks, reaching out his hand.

I roll my eyes. "First of all, no. Secondly, don't quote disney. Ever."

He widens his eyes and sticks out his bottom lip, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes.

"I can't quote Disney?"

"Three, two, one..." I mutter. 

"WAIT you don't trust me?!?" His pouty face got even more intense.

I laughed a little, "Course not, silly."

"Fine then, guess I won't catch you." Percy turns around and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Aww c'mon,"

He turns around, grinning, "You've convinced me."

He walks to the base of the gigantic oak tree.

"Ready? I ask, and he nods. My feet are about the same level as his head, so theres not really a reason for him to catch me, but i decide not to mention that.

As I jump, the wind flying past my ears, everything changes. For half a second, it looked as though i was falling into complete blackness. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. As suddenly as it had started, everything went back to normal. The sky was blue, there was ground beneath my feet.

I shook it off as my imagination. Percy caught me and set me on the grass, noticing that something was off.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, im fine." It was nothing, just imagination.

We head in the direction of Percy's car, which is wisely parked out of sight from the house. I shiver slightly, and in response Percy takes off his leather jacket and wraps it around my shoulders, along with his arm. It's kinda odd that he wears a leather jacket, since he's just... I dont know. I mean he's not really all "bad boy" and stuff, I mean sometimes he is, but it just doesn't seem like he would wear one. 

That was super complicated for just sayin he shouldn't wear a leather jacket. Actually Im not saying he shouldn't, he looks super hot in it. He just doesn't seem like he'd-


Overthinking much?

Yeah. Percy opens the door for me like a gentleman, and I hop in.


"No problemo," He smirks. 

"Taco bell?"

"Taco bell." Percy confirms.

Maybe Taco Bell can be our always, I comment silently, and laugh at myself. The drive was silent for a while, but a comfortable silence. The radio played Ed sheeran's give me love quietly in the background. 

The highways were super crowded, and Percy said they were like that on his way over, too. Eh, whatever. It started to drizle when we pulled up in the parking lot. After we walked inside, Percy asked for a table for two, and then a waitress in a hot pink top led us to a booth by the window. Not many people were here, surprisingly, so she came back fairly quickly to get us drinks.

"For you, madame?" She spoke with a french accent, which is unusual. 

"Uh," I watched as she flipped her hair, which made me remember how extremely unattractive I am. I continued. "Limonade, please."

"And you, monsier?" 


I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Please." He says, and glares at me. She laughs slightly.

"Okay, I will be back shortly." She walks aways.

I just sit staring at the window. A car pulls up, and three or four guys climb out. And let me just say- they were all SUPER hot. But not as hot as Percy. Not that I would ever tell him that, he's already cocky enough. 

They walk in talking and laughing, shoving eachother off to the sides. Percy eyes them suspiciously, and leans back in the seat to stretch out so that his arm is around me, making me smile a little. He's jealous...

"And here are your drinks, are you ready to order?" 

I nod, and Percy orders some nachos, I don't know what exactly. 


We pull up to my house, and Percy gets out of the car to walk me to the door. 

"You think Susan is asleep by now?" He asks.

I nod, and then lean over to kiss him on the cheek.

When i pull away, he looks like he has a plan. Oh no. "You don't think you can get away with a measly kiss on the cheek, do you?"

I shrug, not sure if it was a rhetorical question or not. He grins and pushes me back against the door. A smile forms on my face, and I'm not sure why.

Then it comes back. 

A scene flashes in front of my eyes, a dark haired boy kissing me, backing me up against the door of a different place, that looked like a cabin. The door and walls were made of wood, and an owl carved into the door pressed into my back. 

The scene fades, and Percy pulls away, looking worried and confused.

"You okay, Annabeth?" 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Just got a little distracted, i guess..." I trail off. Thats the worst excuse in existence.

"Okay..." He backs away. "Look, I got to go. See you tomorrow, love you." 

"Love you too." I tell him.

I know I should be freaking out more, since this is the first time we've said i love you while we were both consious, but I can't. The feeling just isn't there.

authors note------------------------

Yall, im sorry if some stuff in here doesn't make sense, I promise it will, eventually.

 and anyway, THX FOR READING!!!!!!;D

It's Not Cinderella (percabeth)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن