Chapter twenty four

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----------------Annabeth's POV
I flip the page in my textbook, reviewing all the calculus stuff. I don't really feel like studying...
Maybe twenty more minutes.
I take a sip of my orange juice.
Hmmm, math stuff.
Okay I studied for like two hours a while ago, I'm done.
The textbook "accidentally" falls off my dresser. Oops.
I take out my phone and plug in my headphones, and start a movie.
Captain America.
Don't judge, he's awesome. And very hot.
The screen fades to black, and then it shows him walking around and that guy beats him up...
I'm not gonna describe the whole freakin movie to you, just go watch it.
About half way through, I start to think about the party.
It does sound fun, I mean Piper and Hazel and Leo and Jason and Frank...
Okay maybe I should go.
But seaweed brain was kinda mad at me, so I don't think so.
My phone vibrates loudly, interrupting the movie.
I scowl at the text on the top of the screen, and then realize it's from Hazel.
"Come to the party, it's super fun."
I read aloud, for some reason.
Well, maybe I should go, if Hazel is asking me...
It could be fun. Better than staying here.
Okay. I'm going.
I hop up from the bed, and grab a loose, flowing tank top to throw on over some jeans and converse.
I dig through the bathroom drawers and find some mascara, applying it lightly.
Guess I'm ready, then.
I walk down the stairs, stopping at the bottom, second guessing my decision.
Eh, whatever.
I walk outside and lock the front door, jump into my truck and take off down the road.
It takes only a few minutes, stopping at one light, to get there.
I park on the side of the street, which is completely lined with cars, and walk toward the door of the gigantic mansion/house.
I walk in and am immediately greeted with the stench of alcohol. Great.
I can barely see through the crowd of people, but can tell that there's like a karaoke stage in the living room and a giant group of people surrounding it. On the other side of the room there's a couch with some people on it, which I recognize as my friends, aka Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, (who happens to be making out with some random girl) and Nico, sitting in the corner.
I make my way over, wondering where Percy is.
"Annabeth!" Piper says.
They all look up, surprised, and then avert their eyes. I recognize this look, it's how Percy looks when he does something...
Guilty, I think.
I raise an eyebrow.
Leo breaks away from whatever was happening over there.

"Hey, you want a drink?" Jason asks, breaking everyone out of their trance.
"Uhh," I shrug my shoulders. "Sure." he gets up and walks away, probably to get whatever alcoholic drink I had just agreed to consume. yay.
I'm such an idiot.
"So Annabeth, we were about to play truth or dare, you wanna?"
"Um, just us?" I gesture to the group.
She nods. "Plus whoever that is." she points at the girl next to Leo.
"Her name's... Ally?" Leo says, looking at the girl for confirmation.
"Ally." she confirms in a high pitched voice.
"You," Hazel speaks up, jabbing her finger at Leo, "are an idiot."
Frank chuckles.
"Yeah." Leo says, staring at Ally, apparently in a daze.
"Annabeth, truth or dare?" Leo says.
"Hmm," I lick my lips, the repulsive taste of alcohol still fresh on them, since that's what my last dare involved.
Lots of it.
"Truth," I decide.
Leo looks dissapointed, which approves my decision, and tries to think.
"What's uh... who..." he stops. "OH so who do you have a crush on?"
Hazel laughs and Piper slaps him across the face.
"Idiot!" She says. "We all freaking know that!"
"Percy Jackson." I answer.
Everyone groans, rolls their eyes and I move on.
"Frank," I say, "Truth or dare."
"Truth." he says.
"Wimp," Leo comments, which earns a glare from Frank.
"Can I ask?" Piper says excitedly. I nod, unsure of what she's gonna ask.
"Have you and Hazel, you know, done it yet?"
Hazel blushes like crazy while Frank answers. "NO! Uh, no, we haven't. Just, No."
He's blushing too. Jason high fives Piper.
"Leo, dauntless or candor." Hazel asks.
"Uh, he's supposed to ask, idiot." That girl, Ally, says, which earns a glare from Frank.
"Dare." Leo says.
"Dauntless..." Hazel mutters.
"C'mon, we're going upstairs," Ally stands up and drags Leo with her, flipping her dyed blonde hair.
"Okay well, you guys ask someone else." I tell them.
"Jason, truth or dare." Frank says, and the game continues.
After another half hour or so, everyone is at least tipsy, but some, (*coughJasoncough*) were completely drunk.
"Adios," Piper says, pulling Jason up and they disappear into the crowd. that leaves me, Hazel, and Frank.
Definitely not third wheele, right? Totally. Actually, there's Nico, but still.
"Hey guys, have y'all seen Percy anywhere around?"
"I think he was upstairs somewheres," Hazel says. I thank her and head in the general direction of the staircase.
I takes me a while to find it, but eventually I climb up the staircase, through the crowd, and make it into a long hallway with lots of doors. Most are closed, so I take that as a "do not come in or you'll be scarred for life" sign.
Guessing Percy's not in one of those, leaves the last three rooms.
I creak open the door to the first, and see that it's just an office type room with a computer, but no people.
The second is probably a guest bedroom, and (thank god) it was empty.
Then there was the third.
The door was almost fully closed, but was pushed open the slightest bit.
The room was silent, but I knocked, just to make sure.
I slowly push on the door.
No response from inside, guess he's not up here. I turn and start to walk back down the hall.
"Annabeth?!?" I hear a very familiar voice exclaim. "Shit!"
I spin around to see Percy standing in the doorway, messy hair, shirtless. A red headed figure stood behind him in a tank top and underwear.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
My eyes widen.

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