chapter thirty seven

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Percy's POV-

Annabeth twirled her ring around her finger, the ring she'd been spinning around and messing with the whole time.

I stood up and left.

I just can't take it anymore, she doesn't know anything. I almost think it was better when Annabeth was just dead, I didn't have to worry about if she remembered me or not, she did. I didn't have to see her like this, not the same person. That's really selfish, but at this point, I don't care.

I'm so sorry Annabeth.

I'm trying so hard, but I can't be strong if you're not here.

I shut my eyes and sat on the ground, covering my face with my hands.

"Annabeth!" I screamed, running toward her as fast as I could, but even then I knew it was too late. I slashed at the monster, shredding it to dust.

I fell on my knees next to Annabeth. She held her arms up around my neck as I put mine around her waist and under her knees, picking her up and setting her on my lap.

"Percy..." She whispered. There was blood covering her entire stomach, the dark red/brown kind.

"No Anna, please don't go, no, this isn't happening." I whispered, a sob escaping my lips. Tears rushed down my face and landed on her cheeks. Cheeks that were once rosy and smiling, now pale and cold.

"Seaweed brain, hey, listen to me," She said, coughing harshly, blood covering her teeth.

"Wise Girl," I said, not believing that this is actually happen.

"S-Seaweed Brain," She said again, lifting her shaking hand to either side of my face, "I want you to promise me something,"

I nodded, tears dripping off my nose and chin. "Anything," My voice was raspy.

"I need you to p-promise me that you'll be strong, that you'll stay the same Seaweed Brain that I fell in love with from the first time I saw you. Don't give up, I'll be there for you. Always." Her voice was getting weaker as the sentence went on.

"I promise."

She nodded slightly. I could tell she was fading fast.

"I love you, Annabeth Chase, my-"

She stopped me, coughing violently. "Jackson," She said, "Annabeth Jackson." She smiled with what seemed like all she had left.

I held up her hand and entertwined her fingers with mine, glancing at the ring. I had proposed to her just a few weeks before. A smile appeared on my face, so small it wasn't noticable.

"Annabeth Jackson, my Wise Girl, I love you and will always love you, and you only. With all my heart." My voice quivered as I let out another sob.

Annabeth pulled my face to hers, with all the strenght she had left, and kissed me. It was a weak and small kiss, but it meant everything to me.

"I love you too, my Seaweed Brain,"

That was the moment her eyes glazed over and her hands fell to the ground.

"Annabeth?" My eyes widened.

"Annabeth! We need you! Wise Girl, please..." I leaned in, resting my forehead on hers. "I need you, please, Annabeth..."

I pull up some grass and throw it as far as I can. It was only a few feet. I contemplated pulling out my hair, but didn't.

"I'm so sorry, Annabeth," I whisper, "I broke my promise."

Tears stream down my face, landing in a small puddle on the grass.


Annabeth's POV-

"So you're saying that the greek gods are real?" I ask, not believing it the least bit.

"Yeah," Thalia says, rubbing her face with her hand.

"That's... seriously?"

"Uh, yeah," She said. Chiron had explained the whole thing to me a few minutes ago, and then said he had something to attend to, so he left. He told Thalia to make sure I understood.

"And Athena is my mom?



"Yeah, actually,"

"No, my mom is dead."


"And all my memmories are fake? How does that make sense?"

"Hera replaced them."


"You know what, Chiron did say to let you remember by yourself."


"Bye," She got up, and left.

Wow, thanks Thalia. After sitting there, I decide to go look around.

When I walk outside, and people everywhere stop what they are doing to look at me. Not all at the same time like in a movie, but just whenever they notice me they keep glancing in my direction. It's uncomfortable.

I walk farther and farther, away from the cabins and the climbing wall and all the courts of different kinds. I finally come to the beach, where I see Percy sitting under a tree near the sand. I walk up close, making sure not to make a sound.

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