Chapter thirty four

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-------------Annabeth's POV

I'm not really sure why I did it, saved Percy, I mean.
Sure, I wouldn't wish for anyone to die or anything, but there was this gigantic dragon looking serpent thing and I didn't have a weapon (duh, why would I have one, not like I carry around a sword like SOMEONE ahem Percy), so basically I was thinking I'd die if I tried to save him.
Not worth it.
I guess that's selfish though, and I didn't want God to be like "Get. out." when I died and got to Heaven, which was quite possibly gonna be in the next few minutes.
So I pushed Perce out the way when the fire ball was coming at him.
After part of my sleeve caught on fire, I looked at the dragon.
Something inside me snapped.
Not a dragon, Drakon. Atheopian, specifically. "The kind that killed Selena," I thought.
And of course, I wasn't sure where that came from, Selena was alive. I mean, the last time I saw her was at the party, but still. How could she be dead?
But there was still a wave of rage that flooded through me, and I picked up part of a metal pipe off the ground and charged, for Selena.
Part of me was insisting that's she wasn't dead, and I agreed with that part. The other part said that she was dead, and went along with a vague memory. Couldn't really make it out.
Right before the end of the pipe hit the dragon, Drakon, I guess it's called, I remembered something.
The scales are like solid armor, this thing isn't gonna hurt it.
The pipe bounces off and sent me flying back with it.
Once i stood up again, I automatically reached to the outside of my thigh, not sure why though, as there was nothing there. It seemed like something was missing.
I couldn't remember exactly what.
This confusion and odd memories was really freaking me out.
So was Percy's attitude, he acted so hurt when I ducked away from him, like he expected me to hug him or something.
God, he cheated on me, doesn't he even remember?
Also the fact that dragons or drakons WHATEVER THEY ARE actually exist. That creeped me out too.
For some reason that seemed like the least odd part about this whole situation.
Anyway, Percy finally ran up next to me and started hacking at the drakon, aiming for its eyes or mouth or something, I'm not sure.
"You got your dagger? I could use some help, Wise girl," he said to me, I mean, I guess to me. He was looking at me.
My eyebrows furrow.
"Uh, why the hell would I have a dagger? And what is Wise girl supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms over my chest. I remembered, but he'd only called me it a few times. Like that night I had a weird flash back. 

He kinda slowed on his strikes to the drakon, and looked at me with the saddest face I'd ever seen. It was about to make me cry, Lord knows I had to look away. I'm not even sure why that made him sad. WHY would he expect me to have a dagger.

---------Percy's POV
I knew it.
I was hoping for too much, and now I know I was right to say it was too good to be true.
My wise girl.
She doesn't remember me.

-----------------Annabeth's POV
While fighting Percy shouted out to me, and then stopped mid-sentence.
"Annabeth! Got any suggestions? You're supposed to-"
Like I said, stopped mid-sentence.
Not sure why he was talking to me anyway, he was fighting a dam monster.
OH MY GOD why the hell do I keep saying dam I stead of damn!
Percy looks at me with a pained expression and says "Stay back, Annabeth,"
I raise an eyebrow.
"WHAT? NO! I AM HELPING YOU FIGHT AND YOURE GONNA LIKE IT." It was out if my mouth before I even thought of what to say.
He started to chuckle and then stopped. What's up with him and all the stopping in the middle of stuff.
Percy sighed, "No, sorry Annabeth, I just forgot for a second. Just stay back, I don't want to loose you again."
Forgot what?
Again? Why is today so confusing?


------------Annabeth's POV
"I found him." I told Thalia, pointing at Luke's head sticking out from underneath some rubble.
"Okay. Let's go." She said.
"Wait, don't we need to-" I was cut off by a roar and looked up just in time to see Percy stab the drakon through the eye.
Thalia had stepped back from fighting when I told her I found Luke, so Grover and Percy got to "avenge Selena's death" without her. Whatever that means. The Selena I know isn't dead.
Percy dropped to the ground after he made sure the drakon was dead. I glared at Thalia, because I was mad at her for laughing at me, ya know, at the party, and then ran off to see if I could help Percy, who I was even more angry at for, ya know, CHEATING ON ME.
There was a long gash across his cheek and one on his calf, but nothing more.
"Help me up?" He lets out a half smile, and then takes it back. Again with the stopping in the middle of stuff.
I roll my eyes and grab his hand, effectively pulling him to stand beside me.

Then it hits me.
There was a freaking DRAGON.

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