chapter three

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Annabeths POV

When the jackson family left, I was really bored so I just decided to go upstairs to my room and draw or something. I was, like I said, bored, so I stared at the wall, which had a bunch of pictures taped on it, in the shape of a heart. There was one of me and my dad and mom; one with me, Thalia and luke; and one with me, hazel, piper, jason, leo, nico, frank, And percy. The picture at the very bottom of the heart was a picture from two years ago, in 8th grade, of me and Percy. He had his arm around me and we were both laughing.


I miss all that, with him. Whatever it's called.


"Wow Annabeth," I mutter. I'm an idiot, I have other friends and it's not like my life was ruined and I forgot how to love anymore.

The picture with a bunch of people, since I don't feel like listing them, was from a summer camp Percy and I went to three years ago, and we met all of them there.

My phone buzzing snaps me out of my thoughts.

I dig through the pile of junk on top of my bed and finally find my phone, and then turn it on.

Its from piper! I haven't talked to her in a while.

Piper: me and some friends are going to the beach wanna come?

I text her back quickly.

Me: sure sounds great when

piper: 1 hr

me: k see ya there

I shut off my phone and go try to find clothes.

I take out a grey two peice , then put on a loose white tank, and some denim shorts over my bathing suit. I put my hair in a ponytail, plus sunglasses and converses, and last, tuck my phone into my pocket.

I hop down the stairs. Time to ask Susan. Yay.


"Hey Susan?" I ask cautiously. I spin my ring.

"You mean mom?"


"What," She rolls her eyes.

"I was wondering if I could go out with some friends?"

"Hmm," She looked at the clock.

"Fine. but you have to clean the kitchen when you come back," she answers.

"Thanks!" I run out the door before she can change her mind, and jump in my car.

————-at the beach

Percy's POV

I walked down the beach towards everyone, and when I'm close I see a mop of curly blonde hair. That could only be one person.

walk up to the chairs and umbrella with my friends sitting under it.

"Hey man!" Jason says and gives me a man hug, whatever you call those.

"Hey. "

I sat down in the sand and took off my shirt.

Hazel and Frank were being all cuddly behind me, Piper and Jason were making out, and Leo was flirting with some girl way out of his leauge.

Almost like how it used to be, except for me and Annabeth.


Then I looked up again, and I see Annabeth sitting on a tube float in about waist deep water.

A grin crossed my face. Brilliance has struck me.

Sort of.

Annabeth's POV

Just sitting on my float. Being perfectly innocent.

And then BAM.

I'm underwater. I tried to take a breath but my lungs just filled with not-air. Water, i guess. I couldn't think. I finally burst out from the water, and there's Percy, laughing his head off.

I open my mouth to say something, but then I start choking. I cough my face off and finally he stops laughing.

"That was legendary." He says when I catch my breath.


"Sorry." he says sheepishly, and keeps laughing.

I glare at him.

"What?" He says, in between breaths and laughs.


He is still laughing so he doesn't respond.

"I hate you." I continue glaring at him.

"You love me, you know it," he smirks. Finally stopped laughing.

"Get this in you head." I lean in and narrow my eyes.

He raises and eyebrow.

"I. Hate. You."


"Yes I do."

"Whatever!" He exclaims and sticks his tongue out at me.

"You're so immature!" I exclaimed.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"GUYS SHUT UP!" Leo yelled from the shore.

"You're still immature." I mumbled, and crossed my arms over my chest.

He just stuck his tounge out again.

I hate him.


Hazel's POV -

As of right now, I'm sitting on Frank's lap eating doritos, while Percy and Annabeth argue and everyone else is just watching. Except for Nico, who's playing a game on his phone.

Why am I not surprised.

"It's your fault anyway!" Percy screamed.

"No! Your the one who-"


"Not my fault, you-"

"Okay your fighting is cute," Piper interrupted Annabeth, "But can you guys shut up now? No one cares."

Percy had a look of mock offended-ness on his face.

"How dare you?!? Of course it's important! She spilled all the coke!" He exclaimed.

"No I didn't! You knocked it out of my hand!"

"And they're back to fighting." Frank said.

"Yep." I agreed and kissed his cheek.

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