chapter thirty one

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and i broke my promise this is the second post during lent but ya know what

I HAVE 9.2 K READS!!!!!
And yeah, I'm gonna update another time before Easter if I get 10k reads by then, so deal with it my children


-----------------Percy's POV

We sit.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And- i hope you get the idea by now.

We finished the fifth platter of nachos about two hours ago...

I check the time on my phone.

Three hours ago, its 7 am now.

I took a nap a while back, and when i woke up Thalia and Grover where playing cards. Grover, predictably, was loosing at whatever they were playing. Miserably.
"Got any kings?" Grover asks.
"Go fish, idiot." Thalia grins.
Ya know, I'm getting the feeling they're playing go fish. What a thought.
"Five of spades?"
Grover hands over three of them. Thalia laid them down in a stack on the table.
"Hey G-man, can I see that prophecy again?" I ask.
When I look back Thalia is glaring at me. "You interrupted." she states.
"Shut up Pinecone face," I take the prophecy from Grover's hand and nod to him as thanks.
We must be doing something wrong, nothing has happened and we've been here for like five hundred years, give or take about 499.999 years (same difference) and nothing happened. Something has always happened by now, on other quests.
How would Annabeth approach this...
Find the problem first, obviously.

I can still hear her voice, Duh, seaweed brain.

It cant be her. Impossible.

At the moment the only problem is that nothing happened... or that we may be at the wrong taco bell, or at the wrong time.
Percy took out a golden drachmas and tipped over his water, flipping it into the mist.

"Oh iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Chiron." I muttered. (idk havent read the books in a while sry)
"Percy," Chiron answers.
"So this prophecy, uh, we need three halfbloods right? Not like two and a saytr." I reply.
He just smiles.
"Oh and Perseus, are you at the Taco Bell, correct? The one next to the Crazy Mart?"
I raise an eyebrow. "Don't think so. We're at one in some random place. Are we supposed to be there?"
He nods, and swipes his hand through the image.
That answered one thing.
I hit Grover on the back of the head with a plastic fork.
"What?!?" he shouts.
"We're at the wrong place, idiot." I sigh. "And SOMEONE *cough* ME *cough* finally realized we only have two half bloods and a saytr, but Chiron didn't do anything when I told him. Guess something will work out.."
"Well then." Thalia says, standing up from the table. "Lets go to the right taco bell."

"I don't like Taco Bell anymore..." Grover grumbled as he got up.

We all walk out to the parking lot and pile into the truck.

"Where exactly is this other place?" Grover asks.

"Uh, somewhere near a Crazy Mart, I have no idea.Thats what Chiron said."

Grover scratches his chin like an idiot while he thinks and mutters "Crazy mart, Crazy Mart, Crazy Mart..."

"AHA!" He screams, making me jump and Pinecone face fall off her seat for some reason.

"Just for the record," She says when she gets back up, "I fell over from Grover's incredibly horrid driving, not his little girl scream."

"We're not driving yet, idiot. We're still in the parking lot." I reply.

She glares at me and I roll my eyes.

"I KNOW WHERE IT IS!" Grover says, still screaming.

"Okay, go, G-man." I pat him on the shoulder while rubbing my ear to make sure his shreiking didn't make me deaf.

He steps on the gas and we speed out of the parking lot.

The pastures and fields turn to more pastures and fields, and then finally a small town. We stopped at a few abandoned red lights, and finally got to a small shopping center, with a home-made sign the said CrAzy mARt. Then we saw the actuall store, and there stood the Taco Bell. Yay. Another one of those places. I'm gonna puke if i see another one in the next month. And they seem to be everywhere, where you don't expect them, but they're still there, watching you.

"Dude," Grover laughs, "How can a fast food resturaunt watch you?!?" He doubles over laughing.

Guess i said that out loud.

"Well, that was kinda funny, but not that funny. What's wrong with him?" Thalia says.

"Lots of things." I reply, Grover still lying on the ground laughing.

When he finally got up, (after like five more minutes of solid laugh-choking) we walked in.

Sat down.

At this point, I really didn't want any more nachos.


We went to a back booth and i laid down on one side, using my sweatshirt as a pillow. Thalia and G-man took out thier cards and started playing another very intense game of go fish.

I took a nap.


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