chapter twenty one

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Annabeth's POV----------------- (a few days later)

I reluctantly open the doors of the school cafeteria, dredding the moment i have to see Percy. I feel so guilty, he always tells me he loves me and cares for me, and I just can't make myself feel the same. I've dreamed of being his girlfriend for years, but something is off.

He's still the same cheesy, sarcastic, amazing person. Which means it must be just me, so whatever.

"Annabeth!" Percy lifts me up on his back, runs across the cafeteria, and sets me down on his lap.

I turn around to glare at him, and our faces are only inches apart. He tries to lean in to kiss me, so i give him a gentle peck. Then i pull back to see which table we're at.

A bunch of jocks, sluts, and guess who? Rachel. I sigh inwardly. Her again.


I walk out of the school doors, wishing to be alone, only to be spun around by Percy.

"You need a ride home?" He asks.


He takes my hand and leads me to his car, and then opens the door for me.


He nods and starts the car, pulling out of the parking lot and driving down the road.

Most of the drive is silent, but not very awkward. Besides the fact that he keeps glancing nervously at me. I lean over to kiss him lightly.

"I love you, wise girl." He says with a smirk.

"Love you, kelp for brains."

The car pulls into my driveway.

I climb out of the car, and unlock the house. He waves as he pulls away. No one is home, since Susan is at work and Bobby and Mattew are on a feild trip for school, where they're staying in a hotel somewheres. Idk.

I walk up to my room and fall face first on the bed, not caring about my homework, as usual. The teachers never check it anyway.

After staring at those pictures on my wall again, I decide to call Piper.

She picks up on the third ring.

"ANNABETH?!?" She screams in my ear.

I laugh slightly. "Yeah, hey Piper."

"OMG i havent talked to you in like forever!"

"Yeah. I know."

"Hey, you wanna go eat ice cream or shopping or something?!?" Then she realizes how girly that sounded. "Or uh, ya know, go somewhere to hang out and stuff." She tries to cover it up. For some reason, Piper always hated acting girly, but she does it all the time.

I smile, remembering the time she freaked when we had a chance to go shopping, since we were on a quest and Chiron...

Wait, what?

Who's Chiron or Chyrin or whoever?

I shake it off as my imagination, and answer her.

"Yeah, we could go get ice cream or something."

"Cool, I'll pick you up at four thirty?" She asks.

I glance at the time, and then respond. "Yeah, cool. See you in like an hour."

"Great, see ya later, oh and I might bring Hazel." Piper hangs up.


"That," i lick my lips, "was some really good ice cream."

"The best I've ever had," Hazel adds.

"Uh huh." Piper agrees through a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Whoa, six word ice cream title. Cool.

Anyway, we had just gone shopping and then gotten some ice cream, and Hazel met us after the shopping. That was my idea, but Pipes didn't let me leave with her. Ugh.
Unfairness, i tell ya.
"I got to go home, Franks coming over. See ya later." hazel says.
"Have fun." I tell her.
"But not too much fun!" Piper screams, and you can see Hazel's blush from across the parking lot.
I let out a laugh.

--------------------------------------------------------------------author's note

OKAY SO im sorry yall if this gets boring but im working on some more chapters, which isnt really an excuse but DEAL WITH IT, IT GETS BETTER. PROMISE.

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