chapter eighteen

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 really REALLY short chapter i only had like two minutes and i havent updated in like a week so just wanted to put like a filler chapter for yall. I will hopefully update again soon, so yeah. See yall ;D

OH and ik it was a few days ago but THX TINYSKUNK FOR FOLLOWING MEEE

~a few weeks later

---------------------Percy's POV

Ever since me and Annabeth started sort-of dating, Rachel has always been around me, smiling and glaring at Annie when she thinks I'm not looking.

Annabeth tries to act like its nothing, but i can tell its really bothering her. I can see why, but-


"PERCEUS JACKSON YOU BETTER NOT SAY WHAT I THINK YOU WERE GONNA SAY!" my mom screams from the other room. My phone just rang, hence the screaming and falling off the couch. So graceful, i know.

I get back on the couch, knocking over my can of coke on the way up. Thankfully I had drank all of it already, or mom wouldve beheaded me for spilling it on her new white couch.

I look at the caller ID, which says wise girl. She answer me back after the second ring.

"Hey beautiful." I can practically hear her blush on the other end.

"Hey seaweed brain."


"So whats up?" she asks.

"Nothing much. Why'd you call?" She usually only calls if something really bad/really good is happening. For her sake, i hope its option two.

"What? I can't call my boyfriend for no reason?" I chuckle. I had officially asked her to be my girlfriend a few days ago, and she has been a lot less shy around me since.

"You can. So anyway, theres a party at one of my friends houses in a few days, you wanna come?"

"Umm," she pauses to think, i guess. "Yeah, sure. When is it?"

"Friday. I'll come pick you up around eight, yeah?"

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow then." She says, about to hang up.

"Or tonight," I smirk.

"Oh really now? And when would that be?"

"Um, like ten minutes."

"WHAT? No! You really think Susan will let me leave?" She asks.

"Um, she doesn't have to let you..."

"No. No I am not sneaking out again." 

"Of course you are,"

"You gonna make me?" She asks with a slight edge in her voice.


"Your not coming over here Percy! Im not sneaking out agai-"

"OKAY SEE YOU IN A FEW!" i interrup and hang up.

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