Chapter six

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————Percy's POV

I heard a crash.

I slowly open my eyes,

And check my phone to see the time.

9:45 pm.

What the fuck- why am I even asleep?

I look out the window, and right there is the biggest wreck I've ever seen. Three cars, stray peices of metal everywhere, someone running, and someone lying on the ground.

That someone has a mop of blonde curly hair.

I throw on jeans and run out of the apartment onto the street.

Strait to Annabeth.

She's laying in a giant pool of blood, a car door on top of her an her eyes open wide, staring at the dark sky.

When I get to her I kneel down.

Her eyes are glassy and starting to close. I run a hand through my hair as my eyes fill with water.

"No Annabeth, no don't go away, please,"

Her eyes close.

I pull out my phone and dial 911, and then lean my forehead against hers.

A tear rolls down my cheek.


I hear the sirens in the background , coming closer and closer.

Once the ambulance gets here, they put her on a stretcher.

I get in the ambulance and sit next to Annabeth, and the doctors say nothing. I bow my head and hold her small hand in both of mine.

——The next day——

My mom shakes me awake a few hours later.

I've been at the hospital since the crash, and about an hour after that my mom came, apparently just to make sure I was alright. I had called her right when we got there.

"I have to leave to get to work on time" she says. "Call me when you see her,"

"Okay mom, I will."

I check the time.

5:56 am.

A little while later the doctor comes in and says I can see Annabeth, but she's probably not conscious. I had to say I was her brother, surprised they actually believed me.

I walk into her room, and pull up a chair by her bed.

She had a bunch of dried blood on her head, covering half her forehead and her hair sticking to it.

I push some of it behind her ear.

There's a bandage around her ribs, and one around her calf, and she has a bunch of tubes sticking out her arm.

The doctor, mr. Landry, told me that she also had stitches on the back if her neck and staples in her head.

I reach out and hold her hand, leaning my head on the side of the hospital bed.

———annabeths POV

I wake up to bright lights in my face.

That was nice.

I heard faint snoring beside me, and looked over to see Percy Jackson. Holding my hand.

He had huge bags under his eyes and looked like he was up all night.

The memories of yesterday came flooding back, but they didn't explain everything.

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