chapter 40

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Percy's POV


I love her so much. 

She's back, she's finally here and she's happy and I'm happy and i still can't believe it. 

I'd forgoten how it felt to be near her, a feeling of care and love is around her everywhere she goes.

It had been a week, and camp feels more like it did back when we were all here together. Everyone laughing and pulling pranks on each other. We played capture the flag a few days ago, apparently to celebrate Annabeth's return. I think most of the campers missed her, but few showed it until now. 

"Hey Seaweed Brain, lets go eat." Annabeth said.

She was sitting across the room on my bed, reading one of her gigantic architecture books. 

I smiled and got up. "Yeah, lets go," 

I walked to the door and held it open for her, me being the amazing gentlemen that i am, and she laughed. 

"What? I'm trying to be nice!" I exclaimed. 

She rolled her eyes and walked past me toward the lunch tables. 


"C'mon Perce," she called out to me to sit at the same table as her. 

"I'm gonna get in trouble."

"They me sleep in your cabin, they'll let us sit at the same table."

"Get over here, loser," Thalia called out as she sat down at the Athena table with Annabeth. The hunters were staying at Camp Half Blood, and had been basically since Annabeth got here. 

Pretty soon i did, and then so did Grover, Leo, Jason, Piper, Frank and Hazel. Just like before, except for Nico...

I actually saw him yesterday, when he said hi to Annabeth. He's been showing up more. It's kinda cool actually, because sometimes i forget he's there when i don't see him for a week.

"And then I pushed him off the side of the boat!" Jason starts histerically laughing at what Leo had said, which i missed most of. 

"No you didn't, I'm pretty sure you were the one who was pushed." Said Hazel.

"Guys, I could push all of you off the bench right now." Annabeth says. 

I stifle a laugh as they all look at me. 

"What. It was funny." 

Annabeth rolls her eyes as i sling my arm over her shoulder. 


later that evening--------------------------------------------------------------


I had gotten the ring back from Annabeth a few days ago, because she wasn't really wearing it and i had a plan. 

A very unpredictable plan. (Yeah, right.)

I was going to propose to her again. I mean, I don't really think the other one counts since she has died since then, so we talked about it and basically said that I'd propose again eventually.


I was actually about to propose to her, when i see her in a few minutes. 

We are going hang out at the beach, go swimming, and I'll do it then. 

I'm outside her cabing, waiting so i can walk with her.


"C'mon doofis. Lets go." She said as she hopped off of the porch of the Athena cabin.

"Did you call me dofis? Wow. This is like a new level of lame."

"Did you call me lame?"

"Oh no, I did!" I exclaimed, waving my hands around like a five year old.

"You'd better watch out."

I was nervous. Not from that statement, even though maybe i should be, but ya know, since I'm about to propose. 

"What could you possibly do to-" I was cut off by a glare. "Fine,"

My heart was beating twice as fast as usual. 

When we go to the beach, we talked for a while, but i didn't really see a good chance to do it.

We talked for a while, kissed, and i finally decided that now was a good a time as any.

"Hey Wise Girl, um," 

The only reason I wasn't this nervous last time was because she was dying. Yeah. 

She apparently didn't hear me or just chose not to pay attention, because she dove off of the dock, where we were sitting, and into the black water of the ocean. I dove in a second later, i mean, what else was i going to do.

I swam around until i saw her, and she sped up to get away from me, laughing. I rolled my eyes and swam on until i caught her. I wraped my arms around her waist and she shrieked. 

Air bubble time! (lol im sorry what even)

Anyway i did that awesome thing where i make a giant air bubble underwater and enclosed us both. 

She was still laughing and finally we settled into silence. 

"So," I said, 

"Nice way to break the awkward silence..."

"Yeah. Um so," I cleared my throat, "You are the love of my life, you are my sunshine, " I paused and looked up at her. She was beginning to blush. So was I. "I love you with all of my heart and i would do anything for you. I want to be with you forever. I want to have a family with you and I want to grow old with you. Will y-you marry me?"

Shit. I stuttered. 


Annabeth looked like she was about to laugh or maybe cry.

"Of course I will, Seaweed Brain," She laughed.

Then came the movie scene kind of kiss (except under water) and the whole happily ever after thing. 

I mean, percabeth forever right?

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