Chapter two

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Annabeths POV

As soon as I got home I started cooking. Not sure it's gonna turn out edible, but it's not like I care. I don't have to eat it.

After that was done, I ate a ham sandwich.


I walked up the stairs and to my room, to work on a building I was designing. Fall Out Boy blasted in my ears. After a while Bobby came to tell me that whoever will be here will be here in an hour. I brushed my curly blonde hair and then attemteped to braid it. Let me just say, it didn't work out so well.


As I finished setting the table, I heard the doorbell ring three times in a row, and then a "Stop it Percy!" and next a muffled "Ouch!" and some whimpering.

So then obviously, I was not surprised to see that Mrs. Jackson, Paul Blofis, who happens to be my teacher, and Percy Jackson were at the doorstep.

I mean, come on, I heard Mrs. Jackson say Percy's name. When Percy saw my annoyed expression, he smirked and I blushed. Nice going, Annabeth.

I stepped out of the way, opening the door for them.

Percy's POV

When I saw that little scowl on her face, I smirked, making her blush. Then she told us to come in and was all nervous, twirling the end of her braid or ponytail or something (I honestly couldn't tell) and blushed even harder.

The parents talked and the twins played on their phones, while Annabeth brought the drinks. I took that as an oportunity to stare at her, not like in a I-want-to-kill-you way but... I'm not really sure. She just looks really good in blue. Whatever.

I watched as she rolled up the sleeves of her T-shirt and filled the sink with water, to wash the dishes after dinner, I guess...

" Why the hell-" I start to talk to her, surprisingly.

"No." She inturrupted.

"No?" I grin.

"Just shut up,"

"Make me."

She just sighs.

"Okay, whatever."

I go and explore the house a little. I remember coming here when Annabeth first moved here. Maybe I lied about not knowing if she went to my school.

We used to be friends, i guess, like within a group, so I had been here before.

Then I found her room. There was some blueprints on a big drafting table and some random doodles. In the corner, there was a guitar stand with an old acoustic guitar. There were pictures on the walls that I was trying to look at when I heard her voice.


Annabeths POV

I saw Percy walk upstairs so I decide to go up so he doesn't snoop around too much. I saw him dissapear into my room.

He better not look through my stuff.

I walk over and lean on the door frame.

"Ahem." I say.

He turned around, eyes wide.

"Oh um... I was just um..." He said

"Yeah we'll DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF."

"Okay okay, God, He said with a small chuckle. "You play guitar?"

"Yeah." I crossed my arms.

"Cool. that's cool. Where'd you learn?" He's trying to make small talk, I see.

"Um, my dad,"

We stand there awkwardly for a minute.

"So is your dad at work or somthing?" He asked.

Oh God no. Not by a long shot.

I inhaled deeply, spinning the ring on my finger he gave me when I was little.

"He, um, he's-" I stutter. Dead.

"Guys, come eat dinnerlly yells at us.

"Coming mom!!" Percy yells back.

He sends me a glare as to say 'this isn't over'. I smiled weakly.

When we sit down to eat, I grab the pot to serve everyone.

Then I put the forks on the table and reach out to grab one, the same one as Percy grabs.

"Er, I think that's my fork" I say.

"No Anna, pretty sure its mine." he says with a smirk, and yanks it from my hand. He knows I hate when people call me that. I scowl at him, but then have an idea.

"Perseus, may I please have my fork back?"

His smile disappears and I smirk. He hates his full name. Then he glares at me again.

"This isn't over, princess." The he lets me have the fork.

I shudder slightly. That's what Luke called me.

Luke Castellen.

Percy's POV

"This isn't over, princess." I said with a glare, handing her the fork.

She shuddered a little, almost not enough to be noticed.

I noticed.

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