Chapter twenty six

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OKAY first- the next chapter and maybe a few more might be confusing or boring or something BUT IT WILL MAKE SENSE. just keep reading
(Just keep swimming just keep swimming 😜)
Promise it's gonna be good. Or as good as the rest of the story, maybe better.
-----------------Annabeth's POV
"Annie?" Luke answers, surprise evident in his voice.
I hate when people call me that.
"Y-yeah." I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry.
"You wanna come over?" He asks. like always, doesn't care if I'm okay.
Better than Percy.
"Where are you?" He asks.
"Uh, excited much?" He chuckles. I can practically hear the smirk on his face.
"Yeah." I mumble. Doesn't matter what he thinks my reason is.
"Great. Be here in uh... how far away are you?"
"About forty five minutes."
"Forty five minutes, then." Luke confirms. "Alright, bye."
I nod, forgetting that he can't see, as he hangs up.
I rub the tears out of my eyes before they fall. This is a bad idea.
I turn on the radio.
Give me Love by Ed sheeran is playing. I choke back a sob, remembering when I sang along to it with Percy.
I really don't know why I trusted him. I just had a gut feeling, like it was meant to be. Guess not.
I mean, he's been a jerk to me forever, why would a car accident change that?
How could it make him "love" me?
My phone rings. Susan.
Impulsively, I open the window and chuck it down the street. It was a flip phone anyway. Easier to ignore Susan this way. And Percy. And everyone.
Looking around, I see that there's no one else on the road. I take my foot off the gas, and let the car coast to a stop. I lean my head back and look through the window up at the sky.
A fleeting image passes before my eyes, of the night sky from my view on a ship. The stars where much more clear, since there were no city lights around.
I sigh loudly.
Nothing ever works out for me does it?
I look back at the road and keep driving.
The longer I drive, the more sparse the buildings become, and the more dense the trees get.
The highway goes for a long time, but eventually, I turn down a small road, then another, and finally, a gravel road.
The gravel road.
The gravel road I grew up on, the gravel road my mother died on, the gravel road Luke broke my heart on.
Home sweet home.

Pretty soon I get to the end of the road, and see two little houses. There used to be three, before ours got torn down. Luke and Thalia lived in the other two. One is now abandoned. Thalia left after...
I guess I have to tell you, now that I'm here. I've been avoiding it for a while.

It started when I was thirteen, Luke and Thalia were sixteen.
We were all best friends, that is until one day when Thalia came to me, pale and worried looking. "Stay away from him, no matter what. Promise me." she said, knowing I had a huge crush on Luke. That only made me like him more. After that, she always avoided him, an tried to get me to do the same.
I wish I would've listened to her.
Right after mom died, Luke asked me to be his girlfriend, even though I was like three years younger. I was depressed at the time, and I wanted someone to care about me. My answer was yes.
After a while, he wouldn't let me be out of his sight, ever. He wouldn't let me talk to anyone besides him. He... took control of my life. I was too scared to do anything about it. That's how it went, for at least a year. Until I finally escaped. And now I'm coming back to that very place.
I park next to the house, and I see the front door open, someone steps out.
His once short hair is now covering his eyebrows. his scar is fading slightly, and he looks more like a surfer, for some reason.
I open the car door. "I knew you'd come back, Princess." he says. His voice makes me shudder.
"Uh, yeah." I reply.
"Come inside, it's late." he says. I look at my phone.
2:37 am.
I didn't think it was that late.
"Sorry it's late..."
"Nah, it's cool." he grins, and takes my hand. I don't pull away.
When the door closes behind us, I see that everything is still set up just like it was.
"I missed you, princess." he smirks, holding both my wrists in his hands and backing me against the wall. I resist the urge to kick him and run.
His face is centimeters from mine, so that I can feel his hot breath on my lips. I lick my lips, remembering that I would always make sure to not do that, it set him off. Exactly what I want right now.
Something -probably lust- flashes in his eyes. He leans forward, smashing his lips on mine. I can't pull away. This is what I need; a distraction. For now, at least.


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