Chapter twenty

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The next morning
Annabeths POV----------
I wake up and trudge down the stairs. The kitchen is messy and disgusting, so I guess I'll have to clean it after school. My school books are covering the dining table for some reason, so I have to pick those up and shove them in my booksack.
I wish I didn't have to go to school.
I mean I'd never want to go to school, but it's usually not like torture or anything.
Today I just really want to stay in my room eating ice cream and watching Netflix, for some reason unknown to me.
I glance at the clock on the oven and realize I'm late.
Don't have time for breakfast.
I run out the door, almost tripping on my untied shoe laces, and get to the bus stop just as the doors start to close.
"Hey!" I shout. "Open up!"
By some miracle the driver sees me and lets me in. I climb up the steps and into the bus. As I look around, I see that Percy's not here, and the only open spot is next to Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
How wonderful.
I guess that's it then...
"Hey, can I sit here?" I ask
She looks up with a sour expression, but then smiles, looking at someone behind me.
"Perce, baby, come sit over here!" She practically screams in my ear.
"Sorry, Annabelle, this spots taken."
I feel a hand on my shoulder, and look behind me to see who? Percy.
He gives me an apologetic glance as Rachel tugs his arm, and then sits down next to her.
Then his face lights up, like he has an idea.
"Annabeth, you could sit on my lap." he grins.
I roll my eyes and smile a little. he's so stupid.
"Fine." I walk towards him.
"Nope that spots takes too." RED leans over across his lap.
Percy makes a disgusted face, and pushes her back up to a sitting position.

Short chapter cause I'm lazy but want y'all to have something so...

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