Chapter twenty eight

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----------Percy's POV
"What do you freaking mean, she's alive?!? I saw her die! How could she possibly be alive?!?" My voice cracks.
"Man, I'm serious! Chiron found her, somehow, said they found a demigod who's drawing a lot of monsters. Wasn't sure it was her, but another saytr saw her a few days ago. Perce, she's alive! We can go get her!"
It's too good to be true. For a moment I don't believe him, but I'm hopeful.
"When can we leave?!?" I ask. a smile slowly spreads across my face for the first time in months.
"Now." He says.
"Lets go!" I take off down the stairs, Grover following closely behind be.

I almost pass up the sixth floor, which is my floor, but Grover yanks me down the hallway.

"We have to get some stuff first, idiot!" he says.

"We can just buy stuff!" I tell him.

"Then we have to get some money first, idiot!"

"Fine, I'll go get some stuff."

I walk into the apartment, and Mom isnt in the living room, which means she's already asleep. I grab a sheet of papaer and a pen, and leave her a note.

Hey mom! I have a quest- be back soon. Yes I'll be careful. Love you

I put it on the kitchen counter, so she'll find it, and then head to my room. I take out a back pack and stick some clothes in it. Then i grab some money from under the bed, and stick that in it too.

I make my way back out to the kitchen, and dig through the cabinets till i find some granola bars and juice boxes. They go in the bag.

When i get to the living room, Grover is sitting there munching on an empty coke can.

I sneak up behind him, and put my hands on his shoulders.

"AAAH!" He screams and falls off the couch. Actually it was more of a goat-sound ish thing, mixed with a scream.

"Gods, Perce dont scare me like that! You know I could have a heart attack and DIE!"

I burst out laughing at his serious expression.

He kinda looks at me and then, seeing my face, starts laughing too.

It feels good to laugh.

After a few more seconds, he says "We should get going."

I nod and stand up, walking toward the door. He follows.

The door closes quietly behind us, and i slide the key under the mat.

We take the elevator down to the first floor, and then walk out into the parking lot. Grover's toyota is parked directly in front of the doors.

"We going in that, Gman?" I ask him.

"'That' has a name, you know! Use it!"

"And the name is..." I raise an eyebrow.

"Jennifer!" He shouts.

"Im sorry, are we taking Jennifer?"

"Yup, sure are." He opens the door and climbs in the front seat.

I take the passenger.

The car pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, which leads us to the main highway.

"So... do you know where we're supposed to be going?"

"Uh, sorta. Theres the prophecy over there somewhere." He waves his hand in the direction of the back seats. I look back to see a huge pile of junk. Sitting on top of that junk is a folded up peice of paper. I unfold it and read it. Scrawled across the page in red ink is this:

three half bloods shall travel west

at the nearest Taco Bell they shall rest

found will be the one who knows not the best

though the end is not to be decided yet

the hands of death shall snatch one from the quest

"What the ... whats THAT supposed to mean?!? Thats the stupidest prophecy ever. By far. And Taco Bell?!?"

"Mhmm." Grover hums in agreement.

"And... wait it says three demigods, uh, i think we're missing one." I noticed. How smart i am.

Woah, i never would've thought of that, Annabeth would say, probably while rolling her eyes. A wave of doubt washes over me. How could she seriously be alive?

"Thats where we're going, idiot. Thalia is meeting us at the gas station."

"Thalia? I didn't know she still communicated with civilization."

"How is that even supposed to be funny?" Grover says.

I shrug.




Pretty soon we pull into the abandoned parking lot of a gas station, where Thalia is leaning against the hood of her new lamborghini. Not fair, right? She smirks at us as we pull up beside her.

Grover rolls down the window. "Get in."

She nods.

"What about that?" I ask pointing to the most amazing car ever.

"I got it covered," Pheobe walk out of the gas satation holding a bag of chips. She opens the door of the lambourgini and gets in.

"Lets go." Thalia says and slams the door of Grover's car. We take off down the road.


I cant take it anymore, the silence is literally killing me.

"So how did Chiron find out A-Annabeth was alive?" I haven't really talked about her in a long time.

"Well," Thalia begins, "A young saytr, Jacob, started to notice that there was a demigod attracting a lot of monsters. At first we thought it was another child of the big three, but then he got a glimpse of her. Said she had grey eyes and blond hair. We all were kind of on edge, knowing that the only child of Athena who could give off that scent was Annabeth. Shes the only one strong enough.

No one actually thought it was her, though, till Chiron went to check it out himself. He said it was definitely her." She stopped, looking at me.

"Chiron saw her?" Grover nods. "Sorta. He didn't talk to her, or see her up close, but he saw her." 

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