Chapter twenty seven

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Again, this might be super confusing but it WILL MAKE SENSE.

warning guys: just sayin this chapter has sort-of-abuse and depression, so whatever. 

-----------(a few months later)
Percy's POV

I sit on the rooftop of the apartment complex, staring up at the night sky.
I do this every night, and have since the day when my life's purpose came to an end.
The day my Annabeth came to an end.
It will be a year in twelve days from now, on April fourth.
I lean my head on my knees and let out a sob.
"Gods, I'm a mess." I mutter, staring at the stars and the moon.
The stars Annabeth is no longer under.
The moon that Annabeth can no longer see.

Maybe I should just end it...
At least I'll be with Annabeth.
I look down at my feet, dangling over the edge, eleven stories up.
It would be so easy, too. All I'd have to do is jump.

"You're such an idiot, seaweed brain."
A voice says from in my head. it's Annabeth's.

I hear it a lot, and im pretty sure its a memory or something. I mean, what else could it be?

Whatever, i love hearing it. 

Most people call me crazy; who freaking cares about most? 

I only care, or cared, that is, about one person. 

Annabeth Chase.

--------------------Annabeth's POV(also a few months later)

Its been a while.

"Gods, Annie! Listen to me!" Luke shouts at me.

"NO! Luke just let me go!" I scream, tears once again streaming down my face.

Wait, he said gods again. I should ask him what that means, but hes probably gonna slap me. Then again he'd slap me no matter what i said.

"LET ME G-" i scream, and he slaps a hand over my mouth. 

"It was you're choice, princess. You wouldnt be here if you didn't want to be." 

I bite his hand, causeing him to yelp and jump back.

"Shit! Annie dont freaking bite me!" 

"I can bite you if you can slap me!"

"I havent slapped you since..." he stops.

"Five minutes ago!" i finish the sentece for him. 

He grabs my wrists and holds them behind my back, shoving me. I land on the floor with a thud. 

I stand up (after a few tries) standing face to face with him. 
I stare into his eyes and punch him sqare in the jaw. I dont know what got into me, i'd usually cower away so i didnt make it worse. 

Luke stumbles back holding his face in both hands. The rage in his eyes is unmistakable. "Why did i agree to this." He says, before punching me in the stomach. I double over in pain, coughing my lungs out. Pretty soon i start puking up my meager breakfast; four or five goldfish.

I think im sick, thats been happening a lot. 

"Shit, Annie I'm sorry." He runs over and pulls my hair out of my face while i barf on the wooden floor.

"Go to hell," I manage to choke out.

He chuckles. "Sure, sure."

-------------------------Percy's POV

Maybe i should jump, then i can hear her voice for real. See her for real, not just in the haze between seep and waking. Hug her, kiss her soft lips.

Yeah. That sounds good. 

I stand up. The cold winter air whips around me. I feel as if its carrying me away; bit by bit my soul is becoming part of the wind, the earth. 

Looking down, the cars look small and insignificant. I look around, my last view of the world. The polluted air is clogging up the sky, choking the stars. The moon looks as if its gasping for a final breath. 

Same as me. 

I brace myself, and stick my foot over the edge.

"PERCY!" someone screams. I feelm my shirt collar jerk back, choking me but effectively keeping me from my death. I turn around to see who? Grover. 


I bink in suprise. 

I havent seen him this mad since he thought Juniper broke up with him.

"Whats wrong, Gman?" I ask.

He stares at me.


"Shut up!" i whisper shout, covering his mouth. "Mom would kill me if she found out!" 

"OH AND SHE WOULDNT IF YOU DID IT?" Hes still shouting.

"I'd be dead, idiot. She couldnt kill me."

He rolls his eyes. "Seriously Perce?" 

"So why'd you come up here anyway?" I ask him.

"For one to make sure you arent DEAD, and i actually have some good news." 

Oh, yay! The old Percy says, my old self. The self with a purpose. 

"Bet you don't" 

"Do too, seriously." 

"Fine, spill."

"Well," He grins. "We have a quest! And guess what? We-"

"Nope, sorry, done. Not going." I reply.

"Shut up for a second, will ya?" He says.

I roll my eyes.

"Its Annabeth. She's-she's alive."

I stare at him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. 

"This is a s-sick joke." i whisper. 

He shakes his head. No.

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