chapter thirty two

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OKAY guess what?!? I'm back officially! And I will go back to posting every few days so yep... OH and y'all I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes or little plot holes, I'll fix all of it eventually so pretend it's okay for now HERE YA GO



Percy's POV-

And we're still waiting. In the Taco Bell. Ya know, I bet yall are all tired of the Taco Bell. Just saying.

I woke up from the nap a while ago, pleasantly awakened by Thalia slaping me with a book.

Such a lovely day.

I don't even know anymore, and i just realized that i say that a lot. Not really. Whatever.

I quickly slurp down the rest of the lemonade i had, and stood up.
"I am going to the bathroom." I walked toward the bathroom.

"Have fun!" Thalia screamed behind me.

I went in the bathroom and, ya know, used the bathroom.

Washed my hands and used one of those annoying hand dryer offer things.

Then i remebered something,

It would be Annabeth's 19th birthday today, July twelveth.

I was suddenly glad that stupid hand dryer thing was on, that way i couldn't hear myself when i started to cry, tears slowly dripping down my chin.

Third person POV-

She walked in to the fast food place with Luke right behind her. She was excited, since this was the first time she'd been out in months. Annabeth quickly pulled her curly hair up and sat down at a table while Luke went to go get the food.

He was taking her out, since it was her birthday and such. Ya know.

Annabeth looked around, and to her surprise, saw two people she never really wanted to see again.

Thalia Grace and Grover Underwood.

She thought of the night at the party, and of how they had laughed along with everyone else. I guess it could have been funny to some people, but they were her friends, they weren't supposed to laugh at her.

She then realized how much she sounded like a five year old, but seriously.

Friends don't do that. Exspecially Thalia, she should have realized what would happen.

Annabeth looked away from them, hoping they wouldn't notice her. Just as she turned her head away, she noticed someone else walking towards Thalia and Grover, out of the corner of her eye. Percy Jackson.

Her eyes started to water and she turned back around.

Luke came back.

They ate.

They "enjoyed" their time.

Percy's POV-----------------------------------------------------

I finally dried my eyes somehow and went back to the table. Grover was asleep across one side of the booth and Thalia sat on the other, looking at the people in a booth on the other side of the room. A guy with sandy blond hair and a girl with princess curls...

 ...princess curls.

It couldn't be.

It shouldn't be.

It has to be.

Annabeth Chase.

I glanced at Thalia and a grin spread slowly across my face.

"Annabeth." I whispered. Pinecone face nodded.

"Lets go." She said, and got up. I stopped her.

"This all seems too easy..." I said.

"Eh, whatever. I'll take what I can get. Come on, kelp for brains." she practically dragged me across the room.

When we were finally behind them, I coughed. Loudly. 

Neither of them turned around.


I am cut off when half the building explodes.
Everyone and everything flies backward,and time seems to slow down. Annabeth is directly in front of me as I fall, so i reach for her. When I touch her waist, she turns and looks at me with an incredibly scared expression, and then her face hardens and she jerks out of my arms.

The expression on her face was so full of hate and sadness, like i hurt her.

My smile fades.

Time speeds up again, and we drop on the floor, or whats left of it.

Annabeth's head hits it first, and it takes her a second to get up. Ya see, I would help her, but I'm kinda busy running to fight whatever blew up the building.

I later found out it was a drakon.

I later found out lots of things, a few of them not being so good, but I'll save that for, well,  later.

I pulled out riptide as soon as i saw the two empousai, Tammi and Kelly. I had hoped they were gone for good.

"Perceus," Kelli hissed. She had somehow managed to keep her same red and white cheerleader outfit since the first time I fought her, without even a scratch. 

Okay then.

I then hear a deafening roar from behind the empousai, and look behind them to see an Aethiopian Drakon. 


It's glowing yellow eyes were almost as terrifying as its giant body- thirty feet long and as tall as a school bus. Huge silver scales plated its enitre body, which I knew were almost impossible to penatrate, from the day Selena died.

I sighed quietly then, as i watched it blow fire in a 180 degree radius, taking out trees and cars and everything else.

People were screaming and running for their  lives, like always.

I glanced back at Annabeth, saw her glare of hatred toward me.

I suddenly lost my will to fight. 

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