That cheesy speech authors do at the end of stories

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Ok so this is not part of the story so you don't have to read it, but I would really love it if you would.

Ok. Hiiiiiiiii. Hahaha. Sorry I'm so awkward. Anyways.

I am so grateful for every single reader I have gotten because holy crap. I seriously never thought my story would get this far. It's incredible to me that people actually like my writing because I really just do it for fun. I found myself getting excited to update just because I know that someone is going to read it.

I really have no words. I feel like I raised these character and now I'm going to let them go. But I really am satisfied with how I ended it. I hope you feel the same because there isn't going to be any more added to this story. I'm going to go back and fix typos and grammar mess ups but that's it. I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing.

If you enjoyed this story and you like my writing I suggest following me or checking out some of my other stories. Especially if you are a multishipper. Also if you watch anime I plan on writing some fanfics. But only if you want to. I would really appreciate it tho.

Thank you for sticking with me for this long, and I hope to see you again!

Farewell! Goodbye! Ciao! Love you lots!


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