Chapter 5/Adrien

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It was the middle of class and Lila was in the bathroom.

The class was different without Mari there, and I missed her. Her red cheeks and blooming blue eyes. Her sass and kindness. The world would be different forever if Mari ever left it.

Suddenly, a scream sounded from the courtyard and everyone ran out of the classroom to see what it was.

Juleka screamed and broke down into tears as she ran down the steps to see that Luka, her older brother was on the ground, dead with blood seeping from a stab mark in his heart.

Rose was shaking and Mylene was covering her eyes and whispering the lyrics to 'smelly wolf'. Everyone else just stared, either unsure of who it was, or shocked.

"Ms. Bustier? May I use the bathroom?" I asked, and Ms. Bustier nodded, telling the rest of the class to run home.

I walked into the bathroom, and Plagg flew out of my jacket.

"Look, kid. You need to be careful with this akuma. It seems like it doesn't just want to defeat you. It wants to kill you. Protect yourself and Ladybug."

I was genuinely surprised when Plagg seemed actually worried, and I nearly forgot to transform.

"Hurry up! Transform!" Plagg cried and I cleared my head.

"Plagg, claws out!"

When I had finished my transformation, I ran out of the bathroom and jumped from building to building to get to the Eiffel Tower.

Once I was at the top, I scanned the city, either looking for My Lady, or the akuma.

Eventually, Ladybug appeared beside me and grabbed me by the waist, swinging into an alley.

"M'Lady? What's wrong?" I asked actually concerned when Ladybug was sweating and shaking.

"I saw the akuma. She doesn't want the Miraculous. She wants to kill us, Chat Noir!" Ladybug was talking quickly and she was still shaking.

"Then let's go show her that I don't need nine lives to beat her." I tried to make it lighter on the fact, but this just made her even more terrified.

"This isn't a joke, Chat Noir! Don't you get it?! One slip up and BOOM! You're gone!" She yelled, and I froze on the spot.

Ladybug took several deep breaths and then released my hand that I didn't even recognize she was squeezing.

She threw her yo-yo in the direction of Chloe's house.

"Where are we going?" I asked, recognizing that Ladybug was still taking deep breaths.

"We need to recruit some people." Ladybug showed me the bee Miraculous in her hand and she was gone.

"Find the akuma!" She called after me, and I instantly set off back to the Eiffel Tower.

Soon enough, Ladybug and the rest of our hero team was there.

"Where's the serpent guy?" I asked and Rena Rouge rolled her eyes, which were sad.

"You mean Viperion? Yes, where is he?" Ryuko asked, her voice sharp.

Ladybug took a shaky breath and closed her eyes as tears slipped down her face.

"He was Luka. Luka Couffaine. The akuma already got to him." Ladybug replied, and the rest of us were left with our mouths open.

Suddenly, at the base of the Tower, the akuma landed with a loud bang.

"My name is Deathwish! All of you! Give me your Miraculous and you can keep your lives!" The akuma yelled.

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