Chapter 17/ Marinette

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I opened my eyes in what looked like a really old basement.

When I remembered what had happened, I started to struggle and scream.

When I looked down at my body, I saw that I was seated in a metal chair and my hands were tied behind the chair I had rope tied over my legs and around my torso. There was also cloth over my mouth.

When I tried to pull forward, the chair just ended up tilting.

I still struggled though. The rope was digging into my skin and my head was really foggy and It ached.

I struggled until the chair fell to it's side. And even then I still pulled against the rope.

I tried to scream for help, but the cloth over my mouth was thick and tied really tight and wide. Almost like a bandit's bandanna.

I heard footsteps and started pulling even harder on the ropes.

When I saw the silver boots, I knew instantly who was here. I had known all along.

"So... the princess has finally woken from her slumber." Deathwish slowly walked toward me, being sure to scuff her heels on the floor.

At the word 'princess' I thought of Chat Noir. Where has my Kitty been lately? Probably tracking down Deathwish as I should be.

I growled through the cloth over my mouth and Deathwish bent over me.

"What's up? Gotta say something?" Deathwish grabbed the cloth and yanked it down, the rough fabric scratching my face unpleasantly. "I'll give you two seconds."

"HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could, and Deathwish kicked me in the nose.

My head jerked back and fell forward after her foot hit. I could see blood dripping to the floor.

"That was two seconds." She squatted down in front of me and she put the cloth back over my mouth.

Deathwish grabbed the chair and put it back on it's feet, and the rope rubbed my leg the wrong way.

I sucked in a breath.

When I looked down at my legs, I could see red marks and a bit of blood in the place the rope was. The rope was now about a couple centimeters away from it's original spot.

"You're the bait. I'm going to bring all of your friends to me and kill them right in front of your eyes." Deathwish smirked at me.

I glared at her and started shaking my head, shimmying the cloth roughly off of my mouth.

I gasped for air as the cloth fell.

"Why are you doing this? Why kill innocent people who have done nothing to you? Take me instead!" I cried, and I could feel the blood from my nose dripping down my lip.

Deathwish cackled. "But where's the fun in that? I want to watch you suffer and when I'm through with you, you'll be begging me to kill you!"

I tried to pull away from her as she stepped forward and pulled the cloth back over my mouth. She was a little more gentle this time.

"So now we wait for your friends to get here. When they see you, they'll lose their minds." Deathwish smirked at me. "And I will kill them while they have lost all common sense."

I shook my head until the cloth fell again.

"Please don't do this! Leave my friends alone!" I pleaded.

Deathwish backhanded me and my head swung abruptly to the side, pulling a muscle in my neck, and I could see blood from my nose splatter on the wall.

"Don't worry dear. Your family can get some too." Deathwish pulled the cloth over my face so gentle it was scary.

But I ignored the fact and just screamed through the cloth, tears escaping my eyes.

"Ta-ta!" Deathwish wiggled her fingers at me as she walked up the stairs again.

I screamed for a while and my tears still hadn't stopped when Deathwish came back down, syringe in hand.

"Geez, woman you need to calm down. And shut up." Deathwish rolled her eyes as she stabbed the syringe in my thigh.

I screamed from the pain and closed my eyes as Deathwish injected a black serum into my body.

Then when I opened my eyes again, everything was blurry and moving around. Rocking side to side. Side to side. I was starting to get dizzy and seasick.

"That right there is some of my special poison. It rids you of a certain ability for a while. It targets the part of the brain that allows you to talk. Have fun down here." Deathwish smiles as she walked up the stairs again, dropping the syringe in front of me.

I tried to scream as the world started to stop moving, but no sound came out. So I just started trying to scream as I cried.

I had to gather my senses and figure a way out of here.

I looked around the room and my eyes honed in on the syringe.

I twisted around despite the pains in my neck. What hurt the most was my legs. The rope was digging into my flesh and the hole from the syringe was sure to leave a scar.

Still I twisted until I could just see my hands.

They were held together with duct tape. I knew a hack for this, but I had to get my hands in front of me. That wasn't going to happen.

So I just started pulling my hands sideways. When that just stretched out the tape, I pulled one hand towards the back of my neck while keeping the other as far down as possible.

When I heard a tear and felt my hands free, I let out a relieved breath.

I held my hands in front of me and pulled the cloth down.

Looking at the syringe, I started chugging the chair towards it.

I closed my eyes as I fell to the side. I reached out my hand and grabbed the needle.

I looked down at the rope on my legs.

I took the sharp point of the needle and held it against the rope. I instantly started ripping it across the rope.

I winced as the needle scraped my legs, leaving bloody scratches on my knees. But I took shaky hopeful breaths as I saw that the rope was starting to rip.

It took me about twenty minutes, but eventually, the rope snapped.

I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the ceiling

I was actually going to get out of here!

At least, that's what I thought until Deathwish called down to me: "Marinette! I'm lucky I thought to bring your phone and share your location! We finally have some visitors!"

Thank you very much for reading! What is going to happen to Marinette and her friends? What does Deathwish have planned for Mari and her friends?

I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!! 🐞🐱

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