Chapter 21/ Adrien

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I could barely scream as I fell faster to the ground, Ladybug falling toward me. She threw her yo-yo at me and pulled me in. She then threw her yo-yo at a lamppost and swung. We swung barely an inch off of the ground.

Then she released me and we tumbled around on the sidewalk.

"I'm sorry, Ladybug." I apologized, sitting up. "I was just here to make sure Marinette was okay and you scared me so I-"

I was cut of mid-sentence when Ladybug quickly pulled me into a hug.

I froze in surprise before hugging her back.

"Just be more careful, Chaton." She whispered, and that's when I realized that she had been crying.

But she refused to move. She pulled me in tighter when I tried to pull away to get a good look at her.

"Ladybug, shouldn't we go now?" I whispered when Ladybug was still hugging me after a minute or so.

"R-right." Ladybug stuttered, before standing up.

She reached out a hand to help me up from the pavement.

We stood there awkwardly for a second.

"Bye Chat Noir." She whispered, before she disappeared over the rooftop of the hospital.

I sighed, realizing that My baton was still up there, so I had no way of getting up there. That was, until my baton fell from the sky, nearly hitting me in the head.

I bent down, picking it up then going up all the way to the roof.


I rushed out of the hospital after visiting Marinette as Adrien. It hurt so much to see her like that. It hurt to see her in any bad condition at all.

We all have Juleka's funeral to attend to today. I couldn't believe she was gone.

I swiped tears from my eyes as I ran down the street, tears making my face apparently unrecognizable to fans. I was grateful for that anyway.

I ran until I couldn't anymore.

I ducked into an alley and slid to the ground as I cried. I hugged my legs and buried my face in my elbows.

"Shit." I whispered.

I knew that Ladybug would bring them back... hopefully. So why was I crying? Well why are they being put six feet under if Ladybug is going to bring them back? Part of me asked.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall.

Suddenly, I smelled something sweet and delicious. Buttery and soft. Freshly baked chocolate filled croissants.

I looked across the street and saw none other than Marinette's bakery.

I slowly got to my feet as I watched Marinette getting wheeled into her house on a wheel chair. I thought she could at least walk a little bit? But I guess it is best for her to rest her legs as much as possible.

I looked both ways before running across the street.


I turned to see Alya climbing off of the bicycle she had to ride to get here.

"Hey, Alya." I smiled slightly as she walked towards me.

"My poor child. You were crying, weren't you?" Alya pulled me in for a hug, as I nodded.

"Come inside then, my dude." I looked up to see Nino standing beside the door. "I'm sure Marinette and her family won't mind.

"We have macaroons!" Mr. Dupain-Cheng poked his head outside of the bakery door, and I smiled.

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