Chapter 28/Adrien

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Marinette didn't say a word as she squeezed my hand and started pulling us in the direction of the hotel.

We walked in silence as Marinette let the tears on her face dry.

By the time we were back at the hotel, Marinette was smiling again.

Tikki flew out from Marinette's pocket, making the rest of us jump.

"Ready to get back inside now?" Tikki smiled, and Marinette nodded confidently.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette yelled.

Once she had transformed, she released my hand.

She looked at the rest of us.

"Okay. Grab on to me. Wherever possible that you won't fall off." She lifted her arms to the side so that it would be easier for all of us to grab on.

Alya threw her arms around Marinette's neck from behind, while Chloe and Nino got onto their knees and wrapped their hands around her waist. I managed to wrap my arms around her middle before she threw her yo-yo at the top of the hotel and swung away.

"Brace yourselves!" Ladybug cried, kind of a whisper so as to not alert our parents.

When we were about 6 feet above the balcony, Ladybug released her yo-yo and the rest of us whimpered or whisper screamed as we fell down.

Ladybug ripped our hands off of her at the last second, to ensure a safer landing.

Ladybug landed on her feet, of course, while Alya and I did the same but lost balance and fell to our bottoms right after. Chloe landed right on her ass and now she was groaning. Nino fell kind of on his knees, and kind of on his side. But overall, we were all fine physically.

We all stood up as Ladybug de-transformed to Marinette again.

We all quickly climbed inside and put the board back on the window after closing it as fast as we could.

"Okay. We made it without getting caught." Marinette breathed.

We turned around and walked sluggishly to the couch.

We all flopped down and sighed. Some with content, some with what seemed to be already boredom, and the rest because that's just what everyone else was doing.

"I'm bored!" Chloe groaned, kicking her legs childishly before crossing her arms and pouting.

"Me too, honestly." Nino admitted.

"Well then let's start up that sleepover party thing!" Alya pumped her fist.

"But snacks! A sleepover isn't a sleepover without snacks!" Marinette let her head fall onto the back of the couch.

"Then let's go get some."

Everyone looked up at me as I said those words.

"We can just dip into the kitchen and come back. It's not like anyone can really stop us." I shrugged, pulling some of the other baked goodies that I had in pockets out.

"Oh yeah! And we have all of these! We can even make hot chocolate!" Chloe exclaimed as she pulled the food out of her pockets and about two out of her hood.

Everyone else did the same, and soon, the table in front of us had a pretty decent sized pile of baked goods.

"Now for raiding the kitchen!" Marinette stood up excitedly and we all did the same, adrenaline renewed.

We all raced for the door and started pulling the board off.

As it started to budge, Marinette turned around to look at Chloe.

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