Chapter 42/ Adrien

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When I opened my eyes a matter of a few hours later in my room, looking around for my Princess.

I found her after a while and saw that she was curled up on my bed, sobbing quietly.

I got off of the couch and crawled onto the bed beside her, letting my own tears fall.

"Alya..." She sobbed and I pulled her head into my chest.

How long we stayed there, I don't know, but both our tears had dried on our faces, and Marinette's sobs had faded away.

I pet her as if she was an animal because due to being cut off from human kind since I was little, I don't know how to give people physical affection without it being the slightest bit awkward. But Marinette didn't seem to mind. In fact it seemed to help.

She gripped my shirt in her tightly balled fists, the fabric pulling at the back of my neck.

I was coming close to breaking down myself, but I had to be strong for my princess. I didn't want her to think that I'm incompetent.

She pulled away from me enough to pull my forehead to her shoulder while she laid light, tiny, kisses on the bare skin of my neck.

I closed my eyes as i started to shake. No. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

Marinette hugged my head. "It's okay to cry, kitty."

As if her whisper was the key to unlock the gates blocking my tears, the tears came. Followed by screams and sobs. I don't think I've ever cried so hard.

Marinette didn't say a thing. She just hugged me and let me cry.

I felt crumpled. Broken. Like I would never be the same again. Like the world would never be the same again.

I shook my head. We were going to get Nino and Father back. We were going to save them. Save everyone.

Marinette pulled away as my sobs quieted and wiped my tears away with her thumbs the same way my mother used to. "That's a good kitty."

I smiled at her weakly and she smiled back. Her eyes were puffy and red along with the rest of her face. Her hair was slightly wavy and wet as if she had washed it and I wanted to bury myself in the waves.

I pulled her in for a hug and we sat there for a while, just hugging.

"We have to go. We have to save them." I said after a while, and stood up, walking toward the window.

"Adrien." Mari whispered, and I stopped, turning to look at her.

She looked down into her lap, seeming almost shameful of what she was about to say.

"You didn't mean what you said earlier did you?" She asked quietly.

Now it was my turn to be shameful. Well, shameful but mostly horrified.

I rushed to her and pulled her into my arms again. "Of course not! I don't know what came over me I was just hurt and I wasn't thinking and I'm so sorry!"

Marinette hugged me back lightly and she nodded. "Okay! I-it's okay! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't forcing you to be somewhere where you were unhappy."

"Don't ever think that again." I mumbled, pulling away.

"One more thing." Marinette stood up behind me and I looked over my shoulder at her, feeling the darkness seeping from her heart. "You have to hold yourself before me. You can't risk your life for mine. Not again. I can't stand to watch that. You have to promise."

I looked away from her and turned to fully face her. "I already told you I can't do that."

Marinette grabbed me by the collar and shook me. "YOU HAVE TO PROMISE!"

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