Chapter 31/Adrien

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I covered my face as everyone around me laughed. I could even hear the kwamis laughing from behind.

"Remind me to never scratch your ears like that again." Marinette wheezed.

I uncovered my face to look at Marinette.

Her face was red from lack of air and her eyes were closed, tears streaming down her face.

It's not even that funny. But everyone else had the same expression.

"What is so funny?!" I cried.

Chloe could barely point to me before collapsing against Alya.

That only made everyone laugh harder.

Then a small chuckled escaped me. A chuckle that turned into a giggle. That turned into a laugh. That turned into wheezing.

And then that's what we did all together.

Wheezed until someone started legitimately choking. Specifically Nino.

"Oh my Ladybug, Nino!" Alya started hitting Nino on the back and he basically fell over because she hit him too hard.

Marinette wiped her eyes as she started to calm down.

Once we all had stopped laughing, we all just sat there talking about the most random stuff.

"Wait but do ants actually have feelings, though?" Alya asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Chloe threw her hands in the air.

"I think so. If even trees have feelings, then ants must have feelings too." Marinette decided and we all nodded in agreement.

An hour went by of just talking and doing random shit, before the talking died down and we just sat there in silence.

Chloe checked her phone clock.

"Let's eat dinner and then figure out something to do." Chloe said, standing up.

"But I don't want anything that we have! I want pizza!" Nino whined.

"Me too!" I piped in and Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Fine. We can go down to the kitchen and eat there." Chloe crossed her arms and Marinette stood.

"I can make more cookies too!" Marinette smiled, and I stood up beside her.

"Then it's settled." Alya stood too and placed her hands on her hips. "Pizza and cookies for dinner."

Nino jumped to his feet whooping and dashed to the door, starting to pull the boards off.

Once we pulled all of the boards off, we started running down the stairs again.

Our second time today, running down the stairs yelling and shouting and being dumbass teenagers.

Once we were at the kitchen again, Marinette immediately started getting out the stuff she would need to make cookies.

"What kind of filling do you guys want? Raspberry? Vanilla? Chocolate? Coffee? Mocha?" Marinette hurled more and more macaroon flavors at us and we blinked, trying to catch at least three of them.

"Well? What flavor?" Marinette finished getting the stuff out for the actual cookie.

"Um... raspberry?" Alya guessed, and Marinette smiled.

"Awesome! And almond cookie, right?"

The rest of us nodded, then let Marinette start working on the macaroons before we realized that we had to make the pizza too.

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