Chapter 22/ Marinette

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I sighed as the car slowed to a stop in front of a funeral home. I wiped my eyes and was about to stand up when I remembered that I had to rest my legs.

I felt completely useless and helpless as Alya un-buckled me and helped me out of the limo.

Alya took a shaky breath before wheeling me into the building.

We were led into a pretty big room where Juleka was laying in an open casket.

I tugged Alya's sleeve and she bent down.

"I want to stand up." I whispered in her ear, and she sighed as she nodded.

She grabbed both of my hands as I planted my feet into the ground. When she pulled my arms, I pushed my legs down into the floor, standing up.

"Thank you." I murmured.

I limped forward to Juleka's side.

My knees buckled underneath me when I could see her close up. Alya gasped at the sight of her and sank to the ground with me.

I was on the ground shaking and crying with Alya when I could hear a voice in my head.

It's okay, Marinette. The voice whispered.

We'll never leave you! A familiar cheery voice followed.

"Juleka? Rose?" I whispered.

"W-What?" Alya looked at me.

"Nothing." I muttered when the voices didn't respond.

I got to my feet again and helped Alya up. I placed my hand gently on Juleka's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you. Love you, girl." I said, holding back my sobs.

When I couldn't look at her any more, I turned around and walked quickly to the back of the room.

I clung to the wall. Soon, the room was full of people I barely even knew. All of Juleka's family members and friends I guess.

Alya and I hugged as the room filled and an hour flew by in an instant. I guess it was because we were all lost in our own thoughts. I jumped when an old woman walked up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss." The old woman was in tears and had a sad smile on her face.

"I-I'm sorry to tell you that I don't know who you are, miss." I started breaking down, talking seemingly impossible for me.

The old woman chuckled. "I wouldn't expect you to, my dear."

I sniffled, and Alya was eyeing the woman suspiciously.

"My name is Maribel Couffaine. I am Juleka's grandmother." The woman smiled at us.

I gasped. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for your loss." I could barely finish my sentence before needing to lean slightly on Alya. "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and this is my friend Alya Cesaire."

"I know who you are darling." Maribel sighed. "Juleka would call me all the time and tell me all about you two."

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, sniffling. "Sh-she did?"

Maribel nodded.

"That's so nice!" I sobbed, and Maribel pulled me in for a gentle hug.

"Juleka told me that she was in the process of writing a song about her friends, and I'm sure that you were a big part of it." Maribel whispered as she pat my back.

I pulled away from Maribel, and saw that she was crying harder now. "I've also heard about a Ladybug superhero with magical ladybugs that will save the day and fix all the damage done. So I believe that we will see her again soon."

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