Chapter 6/Marinette

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I was laying on my bed in my room crying my heart out. My first day of suspension and people are dying. Why did this have to happen?

The akuma has killed Luka, Kim, Max, and Kagami. Innocent people.

Luka was gone. I still had feelings for him and Adrien, but now I don't have a choice. It doesn't exactly make me feel any better. Poor Juleka. Her heart must be broken.

Kim was gone. He was always a prankster and he was actually really nice. Sure, he could be your typical jock at times, but he didn't deserve death. None of them did.

Max was gone. I still remember how we won the tournament together. He was such an incredible kid. His robot that he made that has real emotions.

And Kagami... I had just started to like her. We had finally become friends. And boom. She's gone. And she might never come back. Unless I use my Lucky Charm. But I'm already losing hope in defeating Deathwish.

I was still crying in my bed when a knock sounded on the door opening to the balcony.

I turned and looked to see Chat Noir knocking quietly on the glass.

I wiped my eyes and opened the door to let the hero in.

"Hi, Kitty." I tried my best to smile, but when I did, it felt so broken.

"Come here." Chat held his arms open and I scrunched up my face as the water-works really started pouring.

It felt nice being wrapped in his arms. He was so comforting, even if he was crying too.

"I'm coming back to school.  My suspension was excused." I whispered as Chat nodded.

"That's good."

"I'm going to miss them." I sobbed and buried my face in his shoulder like I had done the other night.

Eventually, I ended up with my head lying on his lap. He was playing with my hair as we sat there and just breathed.

"Do you think that you can defeat Deathwish?" I asked, looking away from Chat.

"Of course I do. And Ladybug will throw her Lucky Charm, and everything will be fine." He replied, starting to braid my hair.

"Do you think Ladybug believes in herself?" I asked, curious as to how he saw me.

Chat Noir sighed. "I believe in her, but she's... complicated. She probably lost some hope already, but I know that when she makes a promise, she'll follow through."

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, going back to the moment when we were fighting the akuma.

Deathwish was dressed in all black and silver, but her glove was light purple. That has to be where the akuma was.

"Take her down." I whispered, and Chat looked at me with surprise.

"I will..." He promised me.

I nodded my head and let him finish the braids he was doing.

Once he had finished the two braids in my hair, he said that he had to leave.

I didn't want him to leave, but who was I to keep a hero around?

When he opened the door, though, it was raining.

Chat sighed. "Looks like we'll be hanging out for a little longer."

I smiled just slightly and walked downstairs to collect a whole tray of sweets and baked goods.

When I returned to my room, Chat didn't pounce on me like he normally would. He asked politely for a chocolate filled croissant.

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