Chapter 27/ Marinette

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Once we finished the cookies, we decided to do something fun all together.

"Yeah, but what are we gonna do?" Chloe asked, crossing her arms.

"We could play a board game?" I suggested, and Nino fake gagged.

"They're called bored games for a reason, Mari." Alya smirked as she put her arm around Nino's shoulder.

Adrien and I laughed while Chloe tapped her chin.

"We could play video games, then." I picked up a gaming remote off of the table that the basket of food was on.

"We all know you're gonna win." Nino rolled his eyes, and I giggled rubbing the back of my neck.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Chloe suggests, and we all look at each other.

I clapped my hands excitedly. "We could pretend that we're having a sleepover!"

"Hell yeah! I'm in!" Alya pumped her fist.

Nino sighed. "I'm guessing I don't have a choice."

"Nope!" Alya popped the 'p' as she said this and grabbed Nino by the back of the shirt and started pulling him toward the couch.

"Yes! We'll make it the best sleepover ever!" Adrien looked really excited.

That's when I realized that these first few nights here was technically his first sleepovers with... probably anyone actually.

"I'll find some pillows and blankets." Chloe walked towards a closet as I turned around and pulled Adrien in for hug.

I could feel him laugh gently. "What's this for?"

He wrapped his arms around my head as I snuggled into his chest.

"Am I not allowed to hug my boyfriend for no reason?" I smiled.

"I don't have any problem with it, that's for sure." Adrien laughed again.

"PJ's on NOW!" Chloe ordered, walking out of the closet with a large heap of blankets and pillows in her arms.

I pulled away from Adrien quickly and took some of the items from Chloe's arms.

I helped her carry the stuff to the couch and made something that was like a mountain of softness and warmth.

I then grabbed a bag and dashed into the bathroom before anyone else could.

I giggled when I heard Alya cursing at me from the other side of the door.

When I looked at the bag I was holding, I realized that I had grabbed both mine and Adrien's bag.

I smiled to myself as I got an idea.

I pulled out a clean hoodie from Adrien's bag that looked like it would be a bit big on him, meaning it would be even bigger on me. And the thought of being wrapped up in Adrien's clothes and arms for the rest of the night felt like a daydream.

As I started looking through my bag for pajama shorts, I found the finished product of that sexy cat outfit that I made.

Or I could wear this. I would blow Adrien's socks off and he wouldn't be able to resist me for the whole night!

I decided to start off with the hoodie because I could always quickly change if things get spicy. Hehehe.

I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror and opened the bathroom door.

I walked out and smiled at Alya who was talking to Nino about something and Chloe who was clearly deep in thought sitting on her bed.

"I-is that my hoodie?" Adrien stuttered when I sat down beside him.

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