Chapter 40/ Adrien

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I never knew how cold Paris could be. How empty and lifeless. It doesn't seem to make sense with the life that I am used to living. The life I had grown accustomed to. Going to school and getting to see my friends and have fun. Yes, there was the harsh life at home, but it had seemed to get better. But now I wasn't sure if I could ever get back to that.

The cold wind blew against my face, turning my cheeks, nose, and ears red. It stung my eyes as Deathwish sat casually next to me as if this was something she did on a daily basis.

"So. How have you been?"

I looked at her, scrunching my face up. "Are you talking to me?"

Deathwish rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Yes, I'm talking to you, dumbass. Who else would I be talking to?"

I opened my mouth to respond but snapped my mouth shut, looking out at Paris once again.

Paris was so quiet. So dark and gloomy. I never really noticed, but spending any time at all away from my Princess made me anxious. Even if the main danger was right next to me. Marinette's face flashed in my head. The hurt and betrayal in her eyes broke my heart, but I didn't know what else to do. I knew that I couldn't just watch her be taken and live with myself. What if something happened to her? In all honesty, Deathwish was more likely to kill her before me if Ladybug was the one kidnapped.

"So are you going to answer my question or what?" Deathwish lightly flung a blade at me and it bounced off of my shoulder.

I winced. "How are you still angry? Why are you so mad? What happened?"

Deathwish growled and grabbed me by the collar, pulling my face closer to hers. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, YOU FILTHY CAT!"

Then with that, she jumped to the base of the Eiffel tower, where I was strapped up at the very top.

"At least it isn't raining." I muttered before looking around for any sign of my friends and lover.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of red speeding across rooftops.

Then there she was. Ladybug. Screaming as she leapt off of a building. Just behind her came Carapace and Rena Rouge.

Carapace threw his shield at Deathwish and it hit her square between her eyes. Rena and Ladybug landed on the tower and started running up to me, Carapace close behind.

Once Ladybug got to me, she threw her arms around me and pressed her lips to mine.

"Chat thank goodness you're okay!" She cried as she started untying me with the help of Rena while Carapace watched Deathwish with a careful eye.

"Hurry up, you guys. She's knocked out but she looks like she'll be back up soon." Carapace warned and Rena nodded.

"Wait! Let me get her akuma and this nightmare will be over!" Ladybug jumped down and Carapace started helping Rena Rouge finish untying me.

As soon as my limbs were free, I jumped down to Ladybug.

Ladybug grabbed Deathwish's glove and looked at me, a nervous excitement in her eyes.

She ripped it apart and the rest of us breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

But Ladybug's shoulder's sank and her eyes filled with tears as she looked down at the ripped glove in her hand. No akuma came out.

"What?" She breathed and the rest of us looked at each other in confusion.

Rena Rouge ran forward and ripped the other glove. Still no akuma.

Tears were streaming heavily down Ladybug's face as she stared at me.

Suddenly, a low moan came from Deathwish and all of us backed away quickly.

Deathwish looked down at her hands as she sat up, then up at us with a laugh.

"You really thought beating me would be that easy? Well try again."

With that, Deathwish shot two bullets at Carapace and Rena Rouge. My heart stopped.

The two stood there for a second. Just a second.

Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion as the two started to fall to the ground, eyes rolling to the back of their heads. Ladybug and I both paled instantly and ran forward to catch their falling bodies.

My brain turned fuzzy and it felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.

Tears blurred my vision as Carapace, who had now turned to Nino, fell into my arms on the ground. On my knees, I shook him, trying to get him to respond. Any response that said he was alive.


I screwed my eyes shut and lifted my chin to the sky. Then I let out a scream. An anguished, heartbroken, terrible scream as my hot tears drizzled down my face like the rain on a window. Like a window, because I felt so breakable. So fragile. Like the smallest thing could shatter me.

I sat there, pulling Nino closer into me as the scream echoed around the world.

I let my head drop forward and let my tears drip onto Nino's face, splashing when they hit his skin.

Ladybug was silent beside me, staring at Alya in her lap in disbelief, tears falling down her face.

I closed my eyes again and let myself cry. Messily and noisily, while Ladybug beside me was silent and refused to let her tears leave her face. She wiped them to the side of her face, as if her tears were acid and it would make Alya disappear completely.

Before I knew it, the sun had kissed the horizon and stars were already starting to dot the evening sky.

I stood up, leaving Nino behind as I walked away. In no real direction, but away. And with each step, I felt like crumbling apart.

"Kitty!" Ladybug called behind me and I could hear her quickly walking behind me.

I didn't answer her.

"Kitty, please!" She cried and I could hear her stumbling footsteps trying to keep up with mine.

"Chat!" She yelled, as if saying it louder would make me listen. "Chat Noir!"

"That's not my name." I mumbled, and I heard her footsteps stop behind me.

"ADRIEN AGRESTE!" Ladybug screamed, and I froze.

She sounded exactly like my mom when she was angry with father.

"WOULD YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO ME FOR ONE SECOND!" She choked on a sob before taking my silence as permission to continue.

"I GET IT! YOU'RE HURT! THIS IS THE BIGGEST LOSS YOU'VE EXPERIENCED SO FAR! AND YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE ANGRY AND UPSET BUT I CAN'T HAVE YOU LEAVING ME!" Her voice turned scratchy at the end, and she took a deep breath. "I still need you help to defeat her. To get them back. Please."

"Why should I? You know it's your fault." The words that left my mouth made we want to shove them right back down my throat.

Ladybug was silent for a second.

"Because you love me. You'll help me fix my own mess because you love me." She whispered, her voice carrying a slight plea.

I turned to her and smirked. Her eyes went dark and she sucked in breath.

"Oh, paw-leez. You're just a friend."

And with that, I ran away as fast as I could, and I could guarantee that Ladybug wasn't following me.

Thank you very much for reading! Omg, Adrien I am going to MURDER YOU! So first, Alya AND Nino die, then Adrien and Marinette get into a fight. Jeez the next few chapters are going to be very interesting.

I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!! 🐞🐱

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