Chapter 10/Marinette

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Shaking, I stood up slowly.

She was right there. I had the opportunity to use my lucky charm, but I was so unsure of this akuma. I had a feeling that now wasn't the time to use it.

I slowly opened the closet door and found Marc and Nathaniel's faces.

"Stay quiet, and stay here. I'm going after Deathwish." I whispered, and moved the supplies around again to cover them even better.

I crept out of the classroom just in time to see Deathwish's boot as she entered the classroom.

Chat most likely led the class to the basement place. So big. So many places to hide. Or he took them out of the school entirely.

I pressed my back to the wall and peered into the class.

Deathwish was just standing there. She had her back to the door and was just staring out the window.

"Yes Hawkmoth." She said, and I realized that she was talking to Hawkmoth.

I jumped into the room and threw my yo-yo at Deathwish and it wrapped around her.

She struggled against the yo-yo and fell to her knees to make it harder for me.

I was struggling to stay on my feet myself.

"It's over, Deathwish. Or should I say Lila? I won't let you pick. Tell me where your akuma is." I ordered, and Deathwish fell onto her side as she continued to struggle.

I fell to the ground myself, making it easier for her to escape.

But I still held on as tight as I could.

"Hell no!" She yelled, and I growled.

"Hell yes! Is it in your glove?" I asked, and Deathwish just turned around and tried to bite me.

I pulled away from her. It was like she was a crazy dog that you had to take on a walk.

I crawled forward, and reached for her gloves hand to pull the glove off.

Just as I was about pull the glove off, Deathwish kicked me away and shot a knife into the left palm of my hand.

I cried out as pain shot up my entire arm.

I looked at my hand in panic unsure of what to do. I was about to grab the handle of the knife, when the knife just kind of turned to dust.

Deathwish smiled as she walked out of the room and toward the room that the two boys were hiding in.

I pushed myself onto my feet and ran after her.

"Stop!" I yelled, but Deathwish continued to walk into the room.

I ran in after her and tackled her.

"I said STOP!" I yelled, and turned Deathwish over so that I could punch her in the face.

Deathwish dropped her head back onto the floor and I grabbed Marc and Nathaniel out of the closet.

"Come on!" I urged.

"What happened to your hand?" Marc asked as I released him, leaving sticky handprints of blood on his hand.

"No time. Grab Nathaniel, and hold on tight!" I ordered, and Marc grabbed Nathaniel by the waist as I stopped.

I was nearly in tears at the pain in my hand, but I had people to save.

I threw my yo-yo and zipped out of there as fast as I could.

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