Chapter 12/Adrien

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I ran back the bed and started screaming for a doctor.

When the doctor came into the room, they pushed me out of the way as they tended to Marinette.

I couldn't see what they were doing, but I could hear them yelling 'clear!' and then an electric sound sounded, and I could just see Mari's chest pulse up.

The monitor was still beeping and I was starting to panic.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Alya paced back and forth. "Don't die on me, girl!"

I paced along side her even though Natalie was yelling at me telling me that we needed to go home.

"NO! MY FRIEND IS DYING! I'M NOT GOING TO JUST GO HOME WITHOUT KNOWING SHE'S OKAY!" I yelled, and Natalie looked at me shocked.

I never yell at Natalie. But right now she was being so heartless.

I continued to pace when Natalie stormed out of the room, and grabbed my hair. Alya was crying and I was coming close to doing it myself.

Suddenly, the monitor stopped it's long lasting beep and starting thumping at a really quick pace.

The doctors backed away from Marinette swiping their brows.

Marinette's heart pace was becoming so quick that even the doctors started to get worried.

Suddenly, Marinette sat up, eyes wide and teary, and taking deep breaths.

She looked around with a panicked gaze. Her eyes had a glassy look about them, but when she looked at Alya and I, her eyes cleared up.

"Guys? What happened?" Mari asked, still taking quick breaths. Her heart was still beating really quickly. "Where am I? What's going on? Where is Mom and Dad?"

Alya and I rushed forward and wrapped Marinette into a hug.

"You're Okay, girl. Your parents just went to get something to eat." Alya reassured her.

"Breathe. Just breathe, Mari." I whispered, and pulled away as she took slow deep breaths.

Her heart still wouldn't slow down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Marinette shook her head. "I don't know. I just. I could see the whole time. It was so confusing. I thought you were gonna give up on me. I was screaming the whole time. I don't know why I couldn't wake up. Why you couldn't hear me." Mari took another deep breath. "I'm sorry."

Her heart was still beating really fast, and I wanted to help her.

"Visiting hours are over and I have to go. I'm already in trouble." I waved to Marinette and Alya and walked out of the room.

"Wait! You're in trouble? Why didn't you leave earlier?" Marinette looked so guilty.

I smiled at her. "Because I wanted to make sure you were okay, Prin- Mari." I caught myself before I could complete my nickname for her and then left.

I was not going home yet. Visiting hours are over and it's dark outside. Marinette's parents are all the way in the cafeteria. Alya should be leaving right about now. I think the cat needs to enter the playing field.


I slid in through the window and smiled at my Princess.

She was sitting alone in the dark, looking at her phone. She was scrolling through something.

Creeping up as quietly as possible, I took a quick peek at what she was scrolling through. It was a document.

"What ya looking at, Princess?" I asked, and Marinette jumped.

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