Chapter 8/Adrien

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I jumped through my window coming back home from Mari's house.

"Plagg, claws off." I basically said it with a breath, but it still did the trick.

I flopped down on my bed and smiled.

"Marinette and Chat Noir? Has a nice ring to it." I thought aloud, and Plagg flew over to me, munching on some of his stinking cheese.

"Finally you to lovebirds took a hint. I was worried I was going to have to spill the beans for you two myself." He rolled his eyes and ate the slice whole.

"You knew?!" I sat up and looked at my kwami as he searched for another piece of cheese.

"Of course I knew! You would have to be an idiot to not see it!" Plagg flew over to me and plopped himself onto my head happily eating more cheese.

"Gee, thanks Plagg." I mumbled.

"Ha! Idiot!" Plagg was having fun with this.

"Shut up." I picked Plagg up by his tail and held him in front of my face. Not that he cared.

"Why are you even here?" I muttered, and Plagg twisted himself to look at me.

"To give you your Chat Noir superpowers, duh."

I rolled my eyes and dropped him on the bed.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and continued to think about today.

Something had been going on with Marinette. Earlier today. She never yells. She's always been nice to everybody but Lila. But tonight... she seemed like a whole different person.

I suddenly felt guilty that I was laughing and enjoying myself when I should be out there hunting down Deathwish.

Ladybug probably has a plan, but she hasn't told me yet. I want in on that plan.

The next morning I woke up, exhausted. All of my photo shoots have been cancelled because of the akuma and I couldn't be more grateful.

I quickly packed up my stuff, got changed and brushed my teeth. And soon, I was in the car on my way to school.

When I walked into class, I smiled and waved at Marinette. I realized that I wouldn't be able to kiss her for all day or call her Princess. Because for Adrien, she is... just a friend. Yuck. Why am I just now realizing how utterly stupid those words were?

I sat in front of her like always, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

But as everyone else entered the classroom, a cackle sounded from the courtyard and her good mood vanished.

She immediately stood from her seat and raced out of the door.

"Marinette! You haven't been excused!" Ms. Bustier called, but Marinette completely ignored her.

I asked Ms. Bustier if I could go get Marinette and she said that I could.

When I stepped out into the hallway, there was Marinette, with fury in her eyes, standing right in front of the akuma. Deathwish was here and Marinette was just standing there in front of her.

"You killed my friends! And now you're after even more of them! I won't let you! No!" Mari was yelling.

"Marinette! Move!" I yelled, and the akuma looked up at me along with Marinette.

"Haha Haha. Watch me." The akuma raises her gloves hand up towards me, and I was about to duck down, when Marinette jumped on the akuma.

"NO!" She screamed.

Live for themTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon