Chapter 11/Adrien

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I stepped back as Marinette lifted into the air, red lights flying in circles around her and her eyes glowing red.

"MARI!" Alya yelled, and ran forward, trying to grab her friend's hand. But Marinette was already too high up.

The red lights spun faster and faster, and even Deathwish looked scared.

Marinette's hair broke right out of her elastic and it flew around.

Marinette's skin turned red and had black spots. Like a Ladybug.

Antennas grew out of her head and large wings ripped clean through her clothes.

Her clothes were covered by a black suit that looked similar to my Chat suit.

Marinette dropped from the point in the sky and landed on her knees.

I slowly approached her and crouched in front of her.

Her eyes were closed, and she was hunched over.


Her eyes shot open, still glowing white, and she shoved me out of the way, throwing her left hand in front of me.

She didn't even cry out when the knife that Deathwish had shot at me went into her hand. She just pulled it out and threw it to the ground.

She got to her feet and jumped into the air.

Her wings started beating and she hovered in the air.

"GET AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" She screamed, and dove for Deathwish.

Before she even made contact with the akuma, Deathwish was thrown backwards.

"Oh my god. Oh my god! Is anyone else seeing this?!" Alya cried, pulling out her phone.

I ran after Marinette as she flew after Deathwish.

"Impressive, Marinette." Deathwish smirked at Mari as she landed in front of the akuma that was thrown into a pole.

"Get away from my friends!" Marinette yelled, as Deathwish got to her feet.

Deathwish pushed Marinette and she just slid backwards rather than stumbling.

Deathwish held up her hand and shot a knife into Mari's throat.

"NO!" Alya and I screamed in unison.

But when Mari fell backward, she just did a kick jump up.

Marinette pulled the knife out of her throat and threw it to the ground.

"I said stay away from my friends." Mari growled, and threw herself in front of the entire class that had followed us.

Deathwish held up her hand and shot knives and bullets at us all.

Mari opened her wings and it covered us so that all of the weapons shot into Mari.

"MARI!" I screamed, and Alya tried to run forward, but it seemed that there was an invisible wall created by Mari's wings.

Mari fell to her knees, but her wings were still up, keeping the invisible wall up.

The whole class was banging on the wall now, even trying to find a way around it, but it seemed to stretch on forever.

Deathwish smiled wickedly at Marinette. "You should have known I would win."

Deathwish froze along with Alya and the class as Marinette flinched and put one foot firmly in the ground and she looked up.

"I said..." Mari got to her feet and as she did, a big red orb of light appeared in front of Mari and started spinning. "STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIENDS!" Mari screamed.

The whole town seemed to shake as she screamed.

Mari thrust her hands forward as the orb became bigger than the whole class combined and it flew straight for Deathwish.

Deathwish screamed as the orb hit her and it blasted her to what looked like the other side of town.

Mari then fell to her knees, wings turning to dust and her antennas fading. Her suit turned back to her normal clothes as she fell to her side.

"Marinette?!" Alya cried, and she ran forward, kneeling by her friend's side.

I ran forward as well and kneeled beside Alya.

Alya pulled Mari's arm so that Mari rolled onto her back and closer to us.

Alya gasped as she took in her friend's condition.

Mari had bloody holes all over her body except for her face.

I looked at her hand that looked so familiar. A huge... bloody hole going right through her hand.

It reminded me of Ladybug.

I began to panic when Mari didn't open her eyes.

"Mari?" I called, and shook Marinette's shoulder.

Alya's breathing began to quicken when Marinette still didn't open her eyes.

"MARINETTE!" Alya screamed, shaking her friend vigorously.

I leaned down to listen for a heart beat.

Marinette's heart was beating really quickly.

"She's still alive!" I yelled. "Someone call an ambulance!"

We sat there for several minutes, the entire class was now panicking.

"Where is the fucking ambulance?!" I yelled as I paced back and forth next Marinette. This situation looked all to familiar.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and they took Mari away.

Alya and I went with her to the hospital.

Alya called Marinette's parents and told them what happened, while I told the people in the ambulance what had happened.

When we finally got Mari to the hospital and in a room of her own, I refused to leave her side until she woke up.

Her heart was still beating really fast, and the doctors didn't know what to do.

I spent hours there by Marinette's side. Alya was there too, and eventually Chloe and Nino arrived.

"Come on, girl! You can do it, Mari!" Chloe squeezed Marinette's hand, but Mari still showed no sign of life.

It was weird. Her heart was beating and she was still alive. But she looked so... dead.

Eventually, I fell asleep in my chair and was woken up by Natalie.

Apparently I was I trouble even though my very best friends and possibly secret girlfriend was in the hospital.

As Natalie led me out of the room, something made me turn back. It was absolutely horrifying. The sound that sends chills down your spine. The one that makes you go pale. Even Natalie stopped when she heard the noise.

A long, annoying ringing like noise. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

That was the sound of the heart monitor. And that sound meant Marinette's heart had stopped beating.

Thank you very much for reading! Is Marinette going to make it? What is Deathwish going to do next? What the HELL happened to Mari after the funeral?!

I hope you enjoy the next chapter!!! 🐞🐱

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