Chapter 30/ Marinette

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I smiled determinedly as we all moved the coffee table aside and sat in a circle.

I sat next to Adrien, with Chloe next to me, Alya next to Chloe, and Nino next to Adrien.

"Okay. Since I'm the only single lady here, I get to ask first." Chloe placed her hand proudly on her chest and I laughed.

"Nino truth or dare?" Chloe launched straight into the game, catching the boy with glasses off guard.

"Huh?! Why me?! Uhhhhh. Can't go wrong with truth I guess." Nino jumped and straightened the glasses on his face that had been shaken up.

Chloe smirked. "When we went to the beach last summer, what was the first thing that crossed your mind when you saw Alya in her bikini?"

"Never mind you can always go wrong with truth truth can reveal your darkest secrets that you intended to keep hidden forever." Nino took a blanket and threw it over his head as Alya blushed.

"You gave me the opportunity and I have been dying to know." Chloe pretended to check her nails.

Nino groaned. "The first thing I thought was damn. That's one fine dudette."

Alya turned to Nino with a smirk and her cheeks red.

She leaned closer to his face that was still under the blanket and whispered something.

"AAHHHHHHH!" Nino shouted, throwing the blanket off of his head, then falling to his side.

The blanket landed on Alya's head and she giggled as she lifted it out of her face so that she could see and the rest of us laughed as Nino sat back up, crossing his arms.

"Not cool, Alya." He grumbled.

"Whatever, you big baby. It's your turn." Alya rolled her eyes as she threw the blanket around hers and Nino's shoulders, pulling him closer to her.

"Right! Um. Marinette. Truth or dare?" Nino smiled at me with a scary wicked look in his eyes.

"Truth I guess?" I tensed up, not happy with the look in his eyes.

"Boring! But whatever. Tell us the story of how you first fell in love with Chat Noir." Nino crossed his arms, obviously pissy about me not choosing dare.

"Um, well this one day when we had first met Adrien and I was all mad at him-" I started, but Nino cut me off.

"Not Adrien. Chat Noir. I don't care about Adrien. I want to know how you fell in love with a superhero that you clearly didn't love as Ladybug." Nino leaned forward.

"H-hey! You don't care about me?" Adrien pretended to be hurt, but Nino rolled his eyes.

"No, dude. You're overrated."

I burst out laughing along with Chloe and Alya and Adrien made this weird noise, that sounded like a slight sound of shock but a slight moan of pain. It made it even more hilarious.

"But anyways, the story, Mrs. Agreste?" Alya wiggled her eyebrows at me and I could feel that I was blushing furiously as I glared at her.

"Well... um." I shrugged. "I don't really know. He came over one time to protect me from a villain, then came back the next week when we were having a sale. Then he just kept coming back. Sometimes to help me with work, most of the times to hang out with me until we became good friends. Then... we just got closer and closer and it was like we had known each other for so long even if it wasn't that way. I mean, it all seemed... surreal. One day I just kissed him on the cheek and then the next he was tucking me into bed and kissing me on the forehead and then next thing I know we're making out in my bedroom."

Live for themOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora