Chapter 37/ Adrien

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I opened my eyes to see my lady tiptoeing to the bathroom.

I quickly sat up and pulled her in for a hug.

She jumped before smiling softly and hugging me back.

I rested my forehead on the top of her head and closed my eyes. I felt her soft lips peck my neck before I lifted my head and she turned back to the bathroom and she closed the door behind her.

I went back to my pile of blankets and pillows, seeing that Alya was still asleep on the couch.

I closed my eyes but didn't fall asleep. Instead I let my thoughts buzz wildly.

Before I knew it, Alya was shaking my shoulder to wake me up because we were going to do something.

I sat up and looked at Alya who was squatting beside me.

"Hey pretty boy. We're going to go get some food from the kitchen since the people haven't given us any yet and we're hungry." Alya said quietly. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, looking at the closed bathroom door. "Yeah I'll be fine. Is Marinette coming?"

Alya shook her head. "No. She's already been in there for almost an hour and she said that she doesn't feel like coming."

Alya looked at the door with worry and I bit my lip, wondering if she would be here okay by herself.

I could just hear the shower running and I sighed.

"Okay. I'm coming. Just give me a second."

Alya nodded as she got up and walked out of the room with Nino.

He pulled her into a side hug as they walked.

I got to my feet and took a deep breath before knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yes?" Came Marinette's voice.

I smiled, happy to know that she was at least alive in there. "I'm going down to the kitchen with Alya and Nino, okay?"

"O-okay! Have fun! Bring me something please!" I could almost see Mari's uncertain smile.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked, my voice quieting.

"Yeah of course!" Mari replied, and I sighed.

"Okay. Be safe."

I stayed by the door for a second more before turning and going with Alya and Nino.

They shut and locked the door just for Marinette's safety.

Just as I stepped away from the door to the room, I could have sworn I heard a loud sob from inside.

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked.

Alya and Nino shook their heads.

I took a breath before continuing down the hall.

The rooms are soundproof anyways. My imagination is just scaring me.

As we walked down to the kitchen, it was unbearably quiet without Chloe and Marinette here yelling at each other playfully.

We walked into the kitchen and I opened the fridge. It was packed with fresh fruits so I grabbed an entire basket of fruit for Marinette.

"Ugh! No good pastries!" Alya slammed a cabinet door shut, making me jump when it slammed.

"It looks like we have plenty of fruit, though." Nino took the basket from me and I started looking for something to drink other than milk and water.

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