Chapter 36/ Adrien

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I hugged Ladybug as tightly as I could as sobs left my body that was quaking in her arms.

Why me? Why my father? Why does all of this have to happen?

My thoughts raced about, turning into one big cloud of darkness filling my head, making me lightheaded.

I screwed my eyes shut as I could feel Ladybug and I rushing through the air.

"Adrien are you okay?"

"What were you thinking my dude?!"

"I'm sorry, Adrien."

Alya and Nino's voices blurred into one, sounding almost like they did as Oblivio, except they were saying different things at the same time.

Only one voice stood out to me.

"I can't lose you too."

Marinette. Ladybug. I almost left them. I almost left her. She risked her life to save me yet again.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again, squeezing her even tighter.

"Don't you dare apologize!" Ladybug screamed, throwing me out of her arms. "Why are you apologizing?! It's my fault! You know it! If i had never exposed Lila's lies, then we would probably not be here right now!"

Ladybug covered her eyes with her fists as her yo-yo clattered to the ground.

"B-but then I wold have been believing a liar. And you and I might not be together." I responded, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I would prefer that than to what has happened! If I didn't let stupid jealousy take control of me then you never would have had to deal with this! Adrien! Don't you see?!" Ladybug shook her head.

She pulled me back into a hug and I could barely return the hug from shock.

Everything starting from the fight Marinette had with Lila to now started to sink in. Marinette's fight with Lila? It felt like so long ago. Yet Luka's death felt like just yesterday. Why does time do that? Seem to last forever but when you stop to think about it you can't believe it's been that long?

I let all of my tears out without caring who saw. My lady is here. So I know she won't judge me or let anyone else judge me aloud.

Ladybug pulled me closer to her and picked me up, running down back to our room.

She put me down on what felt like the couch where i curled in on myself as I cried even more.

"Spots off." Ladybug whispered, and I looked up as a flash of pink light burned into my eyelids.

I put my legs down and uncrossed my arms as Marinette crawled on top of me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's okay to cry, Kitty."

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight as I broke down right there. But the longer she held me, the better I felt. Or maybe it was just the feeling of being able to let everything out.

That didn't matter. All that mattered was that I had my Princess here, and I am safe. I would let everything out that I've been holding in, even from the past few years.

Finally, after what felt like hours of crying and crying, my breathing felt even and my heart felt less heavy. And as I took one last deep breath, I drifted off to sleep once again.


I woke up to see that my surroundings were already dark.

Marinette was awake in my arms, staring at the coffee table, whispering something to herself as she played with her hair.

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