Torn Apart Chapter 27

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Torn Apart Chapter 27

Y/n's Pov:

 I smiled at my roommate Brielle. "So," I said. "So," she repeated. "How old are you? I'm 18!" she asked. "18 also," I smiled. She looked at the picture of Harry on the photo collage. "This your boyfriend?" she asked. I stood up and walked over to it with her. I nodded and said, "Yeah he is." I smiled at it, missing Harry a lot. She looked at it closely. "Cute necklace also," She said. I looked down at my chest and started to play with my necklace that Harry gave me. "Thanks Harry bought if for me," I smiled. "So do you want to walk around campus and get to know the school and each other?" I asked. "Sure," she smiled. I grabbed my room key and walked out with Brielle. We walked down the hall and into the elevator. "So what do you like to do?" she asked. "Well I like to just hang out with friends and relax. I like to dance and be silly. I love to play soccer or how you guys say football. Oh! I also like to eat," I laughed. "What about you?" I asked. "Well I like to just be me and I like to chill and hang out. So pretty much like you!" she smiled. "That's good that we have things in common!" I said. "Yep! So what are your favorite foods?" she asked. "Well I love any food really! I'll eat anything," I laughed. "Same here but I hate spinach and asparagus! Yuck," she made a disgusted face. "Oh I know right! Asparagus are gross," I replied. She laughed. "If you can have anything in the world what would it be?" I asked. We turned a corner and walked down the sidewalk near an area where there was benches and trees. It was shady, the leaves on the trees were falling. "I would probably would like to have a white or black range rover," she said. "Expensive!" I laughed. "Uh I would probably would want to have a huge food castle," I said. "Nice," she said. "When is your first class?" I asked. "Uh tomorrow around 9 in the morning," she said. "Ah mine is at 10 in the morning," I said. "Lucky," she huffed. I laughed at her. "Want to walk back?" she asked. "Sure," I agreed. We turned around and began walking back to our dorm. "So are you friends with all of one direction?" she asked. "Well, me and Niall knew each other when we were little, when we were 11. And we been friends ever since then. And to admit it I did have a crush on Niall when we were 14 but I knew he never liked me. When he audition for x factor he got through, became famous, And Went on world tours. He was finally coming back to the US and I couldn't wait to see him. I got to see him again because Demi lovato, my friend, was becoming the judge and was going to meet the judges. And I finally got the courage to tell Niall my feelings about him but when I was going to, him and Demi hit it off pretty well and a year later became an item. I thought ok I should move on and I started to like Harry and soon me and him started to date. We became an item now but I still have a little feeling for Niall somewhere down in my heart but I know it's never going to work out. Then Demi and Niall broke up but thats not really the point but anyways! I really like Harry and he really likes me but now he is away on tour with his band mates and the band mate's girlfriends which would be Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle. so that's kind of how I know the guys! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I just started talking like a crazy person! And rambled on about my life!" I said. "No no! It's fine! It was nice hearing your story!" Brielle laughed. "Ok good! I didn't mean to say that much!" I laughed. "Well that must of been a crazy time," she said. "Yeah it kind of was," I said. I put my hands in my pockets and walked inside the dorm area. "So you used to like Niall but now he doesn't know?" she said. "Yeah and he will never know," I smiled, she smiled back. We walked in the elevator again. When we reached the 5th floor, we got out and walked back to the room. I unlocked the room and walked in. I heard my laptop beep. I walked over to it an saw that Demi was calling. "Hey Brielle! Want to meet Demi?" I called. "Yeah sure! One sec!" she said. I clicked accepted and Demi popped up on the screen. "Hey babes!" she waved. "Hey!" I said. "How is College going?" she said. "Going great! I have someone you would like to meet!" I said. "Brielle!" I called. She walked over and sat down next to me. "Hi I'm Brielle," she waved. "Hi Brielle! I'm Demi," Demi waved. "I heard a lot about you," Brielle smiled. "Hey Brielle can you go get us food?" I asked. "Yeah sure," she said. "Hey Brielle you better get used to her always asking for food," Demi laughed. Brielle laughed along and said, "Ok and nice to meet you Demi see you soon!" Brielle walked out the door. "So how is LA?" I asked. "It's gorgeous out here! I missed LA so much," she smiled. "What time is it there?" she asked. "Uhh 4:30 pm what about you?" I answered. "8:30 in the morning," she said looking at the wall clock. "Early much?" I laughed. "A little," she smiled. "So how are the boys?" she asked. "They are good! Harry and I went to this paint fight event it was really fun," I said showing her the picture. "Aw to cute," she said. "Yeah," I blushed. "Y/n! Food is here!" Brielle called from the door. "Bye Dems food is here! Love you!" I said. "Bye! Love you to!" she said. I waved and logged out of Skype. I stood up and walked over to Brielle's bed. I sat down and opened up the Chinese take out box. "Yum," I said. I took out my chop sticks and began eating. "Demi seems like a nice person," she said taking a bite of her orange chicken. "She really is," I said. My phone went off and i received a text.

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now