Torn Apart Chapter 26

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Torn Apart Chapter 26

Y/n's Pov:

~Another week later~

Me and Harry were sitting on the couch watching X Factor recordings. My legs were up on his lap. "Thank you for helping me pack today," I said. " Your welcome. I can't believe tomorrow your leaving for College and I'm going away on tour," he said. "I know! It happened so soon!" I said feeding my self more popcorn. Harry reached in the popcorn bag and took a handful of it. He put the popcorn in his mouth and ate it. "I have somewhere special planned tonight," he smiled at me. "Oh yeah?" I was now turned facing him. "Yep," he said. "Are you going to tell me?" I asked. He shook his head no and smiled. "No fair," I whined. He laughed and pulled me into him. "You know we been together for two an a half months?" he said. "Yes I know," I kissed his lips. He laughed and rested his head on mine. The doorbell rang. "It's open!" I yelled. The door open and in came everyone. "Hey guys!" me and Harry said. "Hey!" they replied. Everyone came piling on the couch. "What are you guy's doing here?" Harry asked. "Well we wanted to come and visit y/n while we can!" Louis cheered. I rolled my eyes with a smile and rested my head on Harry's chest. "We want to see our little y/n before she leaves and plus we won't be seeing her tonight!" Zayn smiled. He looked at Harry and winked. I looked between the two boys. I laughed at them. "Hey! I'm not little!" I laughed. "To me you are," Zayn laughed. "So what are we going to do today?" Liam asked. "Yeah!?" Everyone else said. "I don't care. What do you guys want to do?" I said. "What about we just hang out at the park?" Niall suggested. "Yeah why don't we go there?" I said. I looked at Niall and smiled, he smiled back. "I'll pack the food," I yelled standing up. "I will to!" Niall also yelled and standing up. "No we don't trust you guy's with the food!" Liam said standing up also. "I'll pack the food," he said walking to the kitchen. "Me to!" Danielle said following after him. "Me three!!" Louis yelled and running into the kitchen. "I'll pack the activities," I said walking into the walk in closet. "I will to!" Niall said. "Me to!" Harry said standing up and walking over to me. I don't think Niall notice but I caught him shooting a look at Harry. I ignored it and walked in the closet. "Grab the blankets and basket for Liam, Louis, and Danielle," I said to Niall. He obeyed and grabbed the things I asked him to grab. "Harry can you grab the soccer ball or as you guys say it football and frisbee," I told him. He nodded and grabbed the stuff. I reached up to the top shelf to grab the water balloons with out them knowing. "You guys can you go out those out in the living room?" I asked. "Ok," they both said and walked out. I put the water balloons in my pockets. Then I grabbed the nerf water guns I hid at the top. I peaked around the corner and saw that everyone was in the kitchen. "Ok time to sneak," I said. I grabbed the water guns and blankets and ran out to Harry's car. I set the water guns down and put the blankets over it. I made sure I hid them pretty well. I closed the trunk door in the back and walked back inside. When I got back in everyone started coming out of the kitchen. "Why were you guys all in the kitchen?" I asked. "No reasons," Perrie smiled. I shrugged and walked over to Harry. "Is everything packed?" I asked. "Yes and everything is in Zayn's car," Liam said. He was holding Danielle close to him. Oh how protective he is. I smiled and nodded. "Everyone ready?" Eleanor said. "Yeah! Let's go now people! Move it move it!" Louis said pushing us out the door. "Ok how about Me Harry and Niall go in Harry's car," I said. Everyone's mouth dropped and shook their heads. I stood there looking confused. "What?" I asked. "Nothing," they smiled. I shrugged and walked to Harry's car and got in the car. He came in the drivers side and sat in. Niall went in the backseat. Harry started the car and drove out. Harry took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked back at Niall and smiled also. He smiled back and waved. I giggled and looked back ahead. I saw Harry looked between me and Niall. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. He seems to calm down a bit, I laughed. "How much longer till we get there?" Niall asked. "We are almost there maybe five minutes," I replied. I was right another 5 minutes we arrived at the park. We got out and I said, "Meet you guys there I need to grab the blankets!" "Ok babe," Harry said. "Alright," Niall said. They both waved and walked away. I grabbed the blanket and the water guns. I began walking and hid the water guns behind a tree. I walked over where everyone was at. I laid out the blanket and sat down on it. Harry sat down next to me and put his arm around me. Everyone else sat down on the blanket. Liam put the basket in the middle of everyone. "Ok so I made everyone a sandwich besides Niall and y/n I made them two," Liam said. "Yes!" me and Niall both said. We high five each other. I grabbed two sandwiches and set them on my lap. I ate some chips and took a drink of the lemonade Danielle brought. After we finished eating, we just laid there on our backs just talking. "Hey guys ill be right back," I said standing up and running to the tree. "What are you doing?" Eleanor said behind me. I jumped and looked at her. "Shhh grab those water guns and start filling them up over there," I said. She nodded and took some water guns and started filling them up, so did I. I also started fill up the water balloons. "Ready?" I smiled. "Ready!" she said. We took off running and started squirting the group with water guns. They started screaming and they got up and started running. I threw a water balloon at Perrie. I squirted Zayn with the water gun. We all were laughing and having fun. I stopped running to catch my breath until I felt water get squirted at me on the back. "Harry!!" I yelled. He started laughing. I squirted him back. "Oh that's it," he laughed. He started chasing me and squirting me with the water gun. He soon caught up with me and picked me up. He threw me over his shoulder and kept running. "No fair!" I yelled. He was roaring with laughter. I could feel him laughing. He finally set me down and was looking down at me. He came over and put his hands on my waist and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. His arms were now wrapped all around my waist. He lifted me up and spun me around. He set me down and we stopped kissing. I giggled and threw a water balloon on his head. I started to run away back to where everyone else was, Harry followed after. I took his hand and stopped running and just walked. We got back to the blanket and sat down with everyone else. Everyone was soaking wet. "That was very fun," Louis laughed. "It sure was!" Harry winked at me. I blushed and laughed which caused him to laugh and have everyone else confused. "What time is it?" Harry asked. "Uh 5:40, why?" Perrie said. "Oh no! Me and y/n got to go!" Harry said. "What!? Why!?" I asked. "It's a surprise," he smiled. I smiled back and stood up. Louis smiled at Harry and raised an eyebrow. "We will see you tomorrow right?" Danielle asked me. I nodded and said, "Of course! Me and Niall and I think Harry are driving down together to the airport and I will see you guys then!" "Good!" Eleanor laughed. I hugged everyone and said good bye and night. Me and Harry walked back to his car hand in hand. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Well first get in to some casual clothing that you wouldn't mind getting ruined ok?" he smiled. "Ok," I laughed. We drove back to my flat and got inside. "Let me go change," I said. "Ok take your time! I'll change out here!" he said. "You have clothes?" I asked. "Yeah you will see why," he laughed. I laughed and walked in my room to change. I decided to go a little original. I put on a black pagelle singlet, Ambercrombie and Fitch shorts, and black and white vans. I walked out and saw Harry all ready. He was again wearing his Beenie and all star shoes with a white shirt and jeans. "Ready to go where ever we are going?" I asked. "I'm ready!" he said. He put out his arm for me to take and I gladly accepted. We walked out to his range rover and got in. He started to drive to where our destination was. "How long is the ride?" I asked. "Impatient aren't we?" he said. I laughed and said, "A little!" "Don't worry we are almost there," he smiled at me. After about 20 minutes later we arrived at where a bunch of people have gathered in a grassy field. "Where are we at?" I asked. "Well remember a couple of months ago you said you always wanted to go to a paint war?" he asked. "Yes I do," I smiled. "Well they were planning an event and I thought lets go together?" he smiled. I probably had the hugest grin on my face right now. I kissed him and said , "Thank you!" "Your welcome but let's go now before it starts!" he said. We got out and walked hand in hand to where every other person was. "It's suppose to start in five minutes," he said. We walked over to where the paint was. We grabbed a bucket and some paint that was in balloons. "Ready?" he smiled. "Ready!" I smiled back. "3...2...1!!!" everyone screamed. Me and Harry started throwing paint at each other. Paint was flying everywhere. People were throwing it at us and we were throwing paint at them. Me and harry were covered In different paint colors. I grabbed the yellow paint and threw it at him. He threw the green paint at me. We were both laughing and having a great time. After a 15 minute war, everyone was covered in paint and were tired. Harry's lips were blue and mine were red. He grabbed my neck and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips collided and sparks were flying everywhere like usual. We stopped kissing and our lips were now purple. I wiped my hands clean on a towel someone had. A guy came up to us and handed me a picture. It was of me and Harry kissing and we were covered in paint. "Thank you," I smiled. "You can keep it," Harry said. I kissed Harry's lips again. "Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and took his hand. We walked back to the car and set towels down on the seats. We drove back to my flat. "Are you staying?" I asked walking in the flat. "Yeah if you don't mind and plus I have extra clothes I brought," he said. "Ok you can," I smiled. I went to take a quick shower to rinse off. I got out and Harry quickly got in to rinse off. I got in some pajama shorts and a tank top. I let my hair dry and set it up in a messy bun. Harry came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I turned around and covered my eyes. "You can turn back around now," he said. He was in boxers and already in bed. He patted the spot next to him. I got in and cuddled up with him. "Night y/n," he said. "Good night," I said.


I woke up to Harry cooking breakfast. Ahh today is the first day of college! I smiled to myself. I got out of bed and walked to where Harry was. "Hey babe," he said. "Hey," I smiled. I took a piece of bacon and ate it. "Oh hey Niall!" I said. I ran to him and gave him a hug. "Whoa someone is up early," he said. He gave me a hug back. "Yeah it looks like I am," I smiled. I let go and went to the table were Harry made pancakes and bacon. I quickly ate the breakfast and stood up. "I'm going to get ready," I said before walking in my room. I got in the shower and quickly washed my hair and body. I wrapped a towel around me and walked in my room. I set out my clothes that I wanted to wear. I set out a white club L liza bandwau dress and gladiator sandals. I walked back in the bathroom to blow dry my hair. Once it was dry and straight, I curled the ends and set in a headband. I did my make up and walked back in my room. I put on my outfit and grabbed my suitcases and the picture of me and Harry and I walked out of the room. "You look beautiful!" Harry said. He walked over and kissed my cheek. "Yes you look beautiful," Niall said. "Thank you," I replied to them. "You guys ready to go to the airport?" I asked. They nodded and we all got in my car. I set my suitcases in the back and the picture in the front of the car in the sun shade. I drove, Harry sat in the front, and Niall in the back. "I'm going to miss you guys," I said. "We are going to miss you to," they both said. The airport was an hour drive. We arrived and I parked. Niall and Harry grabbed their own suitcases. We all walked out and saw everyone waiting for us. "Y/n!!!" the girls yelled. They ran to me and gave me a huge hug. "Hey!" I said. They let go and the other guy's ran and gave me a hug. "Y/n!" They also said. After I gave everyone a hug, I walked with them to the terminal. "Flight to the US now boarding," the intercom said. "Well this is it!" I said. Everyone stood up. "Bye El!" I said hugging her. "Bye Dani!" I said. "Bye Perrie!" "Bye Lou! "Bye Liam!" "Bye Zayn!" I said hugging them all. They Boarded on the plane after I said good bye. Now it was Niall and Harry's turn. I walked to Niall and have him the hugest hug. "Bye Nialler! I'm gonna miss you!" I said almost crying. "Don't cry y/n! We will video chat like we would always do," he smiled. I smiled back at him and let go of him. "Have fun!" I said. He kissed my cheek one last time and walked on the plane. I walked over to Harry and jumped in his arms. "Bye Hazza I'm going to miss you so so much!" I said. "I'm going to miss you so so much!" he said hugging me tightly. He set me down. I was still holding on to him. "I love you y/n never forget that," he said. He leaned in for one last kiss. A single tear fell from his eye. "Don't cry! Just Skype me when you land!" I said wiping his tear away. "I will everyday!" he said. I kissed him once more and watched him walk away to his plane. I sighed and walked back to my car. "Time for college," I said. I started my car and drove off to college. "This is going to be a long drive," I said.


Two hours have gone by and I finally arrive at my college. I grabbed my suitcases and the picture of me and Harry. I walked inside and saw a bunch of College students walking around. I walked to the front desk. "Y/F/L/N," I said. "Yes here you go," she said handing me a paper. I looked at it and it had all the information I need and the dorm room. "Dorm 504," I said. I took an elevator up to the 5th floor. The doors opened and I walked down the hallway until I found room 504. Ah! I use the key they gave me to open the room. I walked inside and set my suitcases on the bed that was empty, the other one already had stuff on it. There was a desk on each side of the room. It was a pretty big room. I grabbed the picture of me and Harry and put it in the photo collage that hung on the wall. I smiled at it started to unpack my clothes in the drawers and closet. "Hey you must be my new roommate!" a young girl said behind me. I turned around and smiled at her. "Hi I'm y/n," I said holding my hand out. "I'm Brielle," she said shaking her hand.

A/n: Hey Guys! Chapter 26! For Brielle im not going to add her to the story but she will be in some parts because i dont want to ruin the story by adding a new character..((: Outfit for college is in external link and the paint war outfit is on my profile on polyvore((:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now