Torn Apart Chapter 33

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Torn Apart Chapter 33

Niall's Pov:

I was probably as shocked as Harry right now. I could hear panic in his voice. (Continued phone call)

H-Y/n is going to kill me!! I I don't know what she will do! She might literally kill me! Niall I'm scared! I really like Brielle! I me-

N- Harry! Just calm down.. Everything is going to be fine. We just won't tell y/n right now. We don't need anymore drama

H-But but wouldn't she get mad?

N-You will tell her when we get back if things happen alright?

H-A alright that sounds good

N-Ok just go back to Brielle she is probably wondering where you are

H-Thank you Niall it means a lot!

N-No problem I'll talk to you later

H-Ok bye mate


I hung up the phone and held it. I let out my breath. Wow Louis was right. More drama.. I shook my head and turned around. I slid the key in and opened up the door. I walked in and quietly opened the door and closed it. I set the key down on the table and plugged in my phone to charge. I walked over to the blinds and closed them since we forgot to close them. I walked over to the bed and got back in. I put my arm over y/n. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


 Next morning I woke up with y/n not by my side. I pat the side next to my and I shot my head up. "Y/n?" I mumbled sleepy. "In here," she called from the mini kitchen. I threw off the sheets and lazily got up from the bed. I walked in the kitchen to see y/n cooking French toast. "Morning," she said kissing my lips. "Morning," I smiled. "While you were sleeping I went food shopping," she said. "I got a lot of food," she giggled. She looks so cute when she laughs! It always makes me laugh. "That's great! It smells good," I said. I took a strawberry that was on her plate. She slapped my hand and said, "Wait till I'm done." I groaned and laughed. I walked out of the kitchen and to the blinds so I can re open them. I opened them up again and walked back into the kitchen. "Is the food done yet?" I asked. "Yeah but I kind of ate it all," she shyly smiled. "You what!?" I said running next to her. "Kidding! Kidding!" she laughed. I put my hand over my chest and said, "Ok good! You almost gave me a heart attack!" "Don't worry I would of but I decided not to. Just to give you a break," she joked. "Ha Ha very funny," I laughed sarcastically. She giggled and took both of our plates and silverware and walked out. I followed after her. She set the plate outside on the balcony on a table. I ran behind her and pulled out the chair for her. "Thank you," she said sitting down. "Your welcome," I said pushing the chair in. I walked over to my side and sat down. "Tell me if it's good or not," she said. I nodded and took a bite of the French toast. I chewed and swallowed. My eyes widened and I gave her a thumbs up. She smiled widely and began eating also. That's also another thing I love about y/n, she cooks really well! Her food is outstanding! After we both finished eating, we cleaned up and walked in our room. "So what do you want to do?" I asked. "Well I would really like to walk around town and go into shops," she said. "Alright let's get ready and go," I said standing up. I held my hand up to help he stand up. She took it and stood up. I walked to my suitcase and looked through clothes. I put on a white pocket shirt, my black skinny jeans, and black and white vans. I did my usual hairstyle in a quiff. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I sat down and waited for y/n. She walked out of the bathroom wearing a purple shirt with a bow on it, dark jeans, sandals, ray bans, and a over the shoulder bag. Her hair was in a side braid and had a little bit of make up on. She looked stunning. She giggled and spun around. "You like?" she smiled. "I love!" i laughed I smiled at her and said, "Ready to go?" "Ready as always!" she responded. She giggled and we entwined our hands together and walked out the door. We walked down and into the lift. She pushed the button and the doors closed. "Ugh another long ride," she teased. "Dont worry it will go by fast," I said. After a 5 minute ride in the elevator, the doors finally opened. "Yes finally," y/n said. I laughed and we both walked out. We walked outside. The sun hitting us. You know that feeling when your in a cold room and you walk outside and the warmth hits you and it feels good on your skin? That's what is happening right now. Me and y/n began walking down the streets of Paris. "I never thought Paris was this amazing," y/n said. "Its breath taking," I said. We were silent once again. The birds were chirping, you can hear the water fountain, and you can hear the cars. It was nice and peaceful. I looked over at y/n. She was looking around and taking in the scenery. She turned her head and looked at me. She blushed and said, "What?" "Nothing," I smiled. She looked away smiling. "Niall! Can we go look in here?" she asked. "Lead the way!" I said. She laughed and pulled me into the store. "Is it alright if I try stuff on?" she asked. "Go ahead! Go crazy!" I said. She laughed and ran over to the rack of clothes and started picking out random outfits. She then ran over to the dressing room. She walked in and closed the door. I sat down on the little couch in front of the dressing room. I pulled out my phone and decided I should text one of the boys.

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now