Torn Apart Chapter 14

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Torn Apart Chapter 14

Niall's Pov:  

 "Me and y/n are officially a couple!" My heart started aching and it felt like it had torn in half. Y/n was looking for my reaction. I looked back and gave a fake/weak smile. She smiled back and put her arms around Harry's waist. He looked down at her and smiled. "You guys are!" Danielle said running to them. "I so called it!" Perrie said running also. Demi let go of me and ran also, Eleanor followed behind. They all started squealing and hugging y/n. Harry ran to the other boys and started smiling at them. I guess i did finally loose the one I love... I had so much feelings in me. I was mad... Upset... Sad.... Heart broken... And I mainly felt like breaking down in tears. I held my tears in and went to y/n. "That's so great y/n!" I said smiling weakly. She smiled back and gave me a hug. I saw Eleanor, Danielle, and Perrie looking at me. I smiled back like nothing was bothering me. The other guys came over to us. "Let's go celebrate at Nandos!" Louis said. They nodded and everyone ran out to the cars and got in. I slowly followed behind. I slid in the car with Demi, Liam, Danielle, Harry, and Y/n. In the other car was Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, and Perrie. Once we took off driving I put my arm over Demi's shoulder and pulled her close to me. Liam and Danielle looked at me through the mirror. I smiled at them and put my hand up to wave. Liam gave me a questioning look but I looked away. I leaned in and gave Demi a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n's Pov:

Harry put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close. I snuggled into his arms and smiled up at him. Danielle looked at me and gave me a huge smile. I giggled and smiled. I turned and saw Niall staring at us. He had a look on his face but I couldn't read it. He noticed me looking so he quickly looked away awkwardly. "I'm glad we are together this made my day," Harry whispered in my ear. "Same here," I whispered back. "Can you guys be any cuter!" Demi said a little bit to loud. Harry and me looked at her and laughed. She shrugged and laugh along. We arrived at Nandos and went to go take our order. We sat down and waited for our food and drinks. I lifted my legs up on Harry's legs. He looked at me and smiled. He pulled my legs higher up his legs. I blushed and looked away outside. I saw Niall tense up but didn't bother to think much about it. About 15 minutes later our food and drinks came. I sat straight and dug in the food. "Demi babe do you want some of my food?" Niall asked. We all looked at him shocked. "What? I can't give my princess some of my food?" He said. I didn't know how I felt when he said that. He would always call me his princess before. He was lying this whole time? "Y/n do you want some of my food?" Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah sure," I replied. He picked up a piece and fed me some chicken. I took it and started chewing. He laughed and pinched my cheeks. "Uh Harry y/n hates it when people pinch her cheeks," Niall said. "It's fine Niall I love it when Harry pinches my cheeks," I said blushing. Harry smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touched and I felt sparks again. "Wow Harry is getting it on right there!" Louis said. We pulled apart. "Shut up Lou," Harry said laughing. We all finished up eating and payed each of the bill. Harry paid for mine and his. "Seriously Hazz you don't need to do that," I said walking out. He grabbed my hand and said, "Well I would love to." I smiled and walked with him to the group. "Hey guys me and y/n are going to go walk around for a little bit meet back up with you later," Harry said. "Ok have fun you two! But don't have to much fun!" Louis said. Harry shook his head and we started walking away.

Niall's Pov:

  I saw the new couple walk off around the corner. "Demi want to go walk around?" I asked. "I'm sorry Nialler I'm going shopping with the girls." "Oh alright." She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "See you later?" she said. I nodded and watched them walk away to the car. "Hey what about you guys?" I asked to the boys. "Well we plan on going to a movie wanna join?" Zayn said. "Nah I'm good I'll catch up with you later I have other plans," I said. "Oh alright then see you later," Liam said. I waved at them and saw them get in the other car. "Alright Niall time to go spy," I said to my self. I jogged around the corner that Harry and y/n went. I walked for about three blocks and I finally found them. I quickly hid behind a trash can. I saw them holding hands and laughing. I rolled my eyes at the scene. I ran to a bush that was in front. Harry picked her up bridal style and started running. "Harry! Don't!" She said laughing. I ran after them but being careful so they wouldn't see me. I saw some flashes across the street so I stopped. I didn't want to get caught in any photos. After I saw the paparazzi run after them I ran to. "Where do you want to go?" Harry asked. "Wanna go to your place?" She said. "Fine with me!" he said laughing. Oh no.... Not his place. He set her down and made her hop on his back. I went into a store as quickly as I can. I saw them walk by and I went out. After about 20 minutes of walking we were at Harry's. Harry grabbed y/n and led her inside. I went behind a trash can but hit it to hard. The trash can fell to the ground. "Shit," I muttered. Harry turned around and saw me standing right there. He frowned at me. He shook his head and flipped me off. He ran inside and closed the door and blinds.

A/n: Chapter 14! Looks like y/n and harry are together for sure! Poor Niall! I feel bad for him): Anyways! Sorry i didnt update earlier! I went to a football game for my cousin! My cousin's team won! Yeah! haha I will be updating a couple more chapters tonight(:

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now