Torn Apart Chapter 30

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Torn Apart Chapter 30

*OK guys sorry if you didnt want me to skip ahead 5 months its just there will be a little to much writing for 5 months...

Niall's Pov:

~ Five Months later ~

 Moans and Groans were coming from the bedroom. It has been going on for the past five months now. It really has been getting annoying. "Babe!" And "Almost!" Have been going on in there. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and flipped the channels on the tv. Nothing on. The door swung open from the bedroom. I looked and it was the girl walking out. Her shoes were in her hands. Her hair was all messy. "Oh hey Niall! Didn't know you were here!" She said. "I been here for the past week!" I said. "Oh!" She giggled. "Well bye Niall!" She said walking to the door. "Bye Harry! See you again later!" She hollered. "Bye babe!" He yelled from his hotel room. She walked out the door and now me and Harry were the only ones in the hotel room. He walked out from his bedroom. His face was red and his hair was messy. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Wow she is good," he smirked. You dumbass... Fucking cheating on Y/n for the past five months. Pretending to flirt with her, Pretending to love her, Lying and saying things to her, Asshole I knew she was to good for you. "Well I'm going to the club again," Harry said. He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door. I stood up and walked into my bedroom. I grabbed my laptop and walked back into the living room. Liam walked in through the door. "Hey Ni," he said. "Hey," I sighed. "Harry again?" He asked. I nodded. "He has been cheating on y/n for fucking five months! Different girls every night and plus this one chick! I don't think I can take the moaning and groaning. I fucking new that ass will hurt y/n! Why can't we tell her!?" I yelled. "Calm down Niall! Listen just take a deep breath and calm down! This is just between Harry and Y/n," he said. His hands were on my shoulders. "I know that! But she is just going to be hurt! I don't want her being mad at me!" I yelled. "Niall! Calm yourself!" He yelled. I calmed down a little bit because when Liam yells it can be a little scary. "She won't be mad at you," he said. "Yes she will! Because I know that Harry has been cheating on her for five months! It started ever since the club in New York!" I said. "I know that Niall but we can't just tell him to stop," he said. I nodded my head and said, "I know." "Ok now we have a party to go to tonight so be ready around 6," Liam said. "Ok," I lightly smiled. He walked to the door and waved goodbye. I sat down on the couch again and opened up my laptop. Y/n started skyping me. I put on a fake smile and clicked accept. "Niall!" She cheered. "Hey!" I laughed. "What's up!?" She said. She seems so happy. "Nothing really it's been quite chill," I lied. She looked at me curious. I just smiled. She came closer to the computer. "Really chill?" She questioned. "Uh yeah why?" I said. "I know it hasn't," she said. She crossed her arms. Oh no oh no! She knows! "It hasn't? How?" I asked. "The fans outside your hotel all the time!" She laughed. I let out my breath that I didn't know I have been keeping in. "Well yeah!" I laughed along nervously. "So how have you been?" She asked. "Good actually," I said. Not really.... "That's good!" She smiled. "How is college?" I asked. "Amazing! Me and Brielle got new classes and we have two classes together!" She said excited. "That's great! Brielle seems nice!" I said. "She totally is!" She said. "You seem a bit happy!? Why so happy?" I asked. "Well I just received some flowers from Harry! A little note said cant wait till I see you again!! You are always beautiful! I love you!" She said. She giggled and blushed. He is such a fucking ass liar! "So sweet!" I faked smiled. "He is the best!" She smiled. "You are one lucky girl," I said. "Where is Harry right now?" She asked. "Uh he went to the store to get food I think," I said. "Why not order room service?" "Well because the room service here in the W Hotel in Beverly Hills sucks so I told him to go get food." "Of course you would," she laughed. "You would to!" I laughed along. "Alright we both would," she smiled. "So how are the rest of the boys? What about the girls?" She asked. "They are good. Liam just left actually to go shopping at the mall with Danielle and Eleanor and Louis and Perrie and Zayn," I said. "And you?" She asked. "Well I'm alone in a dark hotel talking to you," I said. "Nice," she laughed. "Hey Y/n! Guess what," I said excited. "Yes?" She asked. "Can you please keep a secret just between you and me?" I asked. She nodded. "Well Simon gave us tickets to come back to London! So we planned a visit for all of us to come see you again in London! But I don't know when," I smiled wide. "Really!" She screamed. "Yep," I said. "I can't wait to see you guys again! I really miss you guys!" She said. "Yep! So when we get a chance we will be able to get on a private plane and go back to London!" I said. "To bad you don't know when you will be able to," she said sad. She laughed and said, "So has tour been quiet?" "You can say that," I laughed a little. Me and Harry have been some what fighting but we been trying not to. Only like 4-5 times we been fighting. A day...  "We have a party later tonight," I said. "Lucky, I have a finals examine tomorrow morning," she groaned in annoyance. "So you aren't studying?" I asked. She nodded. "You should!" I said. "I guess," she laughed. I laughed along. The door opened and Harry started laughing with a girl. "Who is that?" Y/n asked. Oh no! "Uh that's Liam and Danielle! I better get going! Bye!" I said quickly. "Bye!" She waved. I quickly logged out of Skype and turned off my computer. I looked at Harry and the new girl he brought here. They were both drunk. "Thank you I had a nice time," the chick laughed. She gave Harry a kiss and left. Great. Here it goes again. I checked the time and it was now 4 o'clock. I walked in my own room and took out a white button up shirt with a tie and some nice black skinny jeans. I got in the shower. After I was done taking a shower I wrapped a towel around my waist. I started brushing my teeth. My hair was dripping. I spit out the tooth paste in the sink and rinsed my mouth. I smiled in the mirror and walked out in my own room. I put on some fresh new boxers and changed into my party clothes. I put on some socks and pulled on my black supras. I grabbed the towel and dried my hair with it. I blowed dried my hair in a quaff to the side. I walked out of my room and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. I grabbed a bag of crisps and walked back out into the hotel living room. Wow I was in the shower for a long time... It's now 5:30. Harry walked out of his room all fully clothed and freshen up. Liam, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle were here. "Ready to go to the Party?" Zayn asked. "Yes!" I said. I grabbed my phone and walked out with everyone. We all got in cars and drove down to the party.

~ After the Party ~

The party was crazy! But there was a lot of drunk people. I tried keeping my drinking down tonight. Liam, me, and the girls kept our drinking down. We came back to our hotel room and walked in. "You guys!!" Zayn whined. "Let's dance!" He shouted. He started dancing weird and crazy. Drunk Zayn does some weird dancing. "No now go to bed," Liam said pushing him to his shared room with Perrie. Everyone else seemed to sober up a little bit but besides Harry and that girl from this morning. "You guys should get to know Sasha! Go in the kitchen and meet her!" Drunk Harry said. I tried saying no but Liam whispered saying don't. I obeyed and followed everyone in the kitchen. Before i walked in I saw Harry go Skype y/n.

Y/n's Pov:

Beep beep... I turned and looked at my computer screen. Harry is calling! I quickly accepted it. "Hazza!" I said. "Babe!" He said. He had the hugest smile on his face. "How was the party?" I asked. "Amazing!" He smiled. "That's great!" I said. "Thank you for the flowers they were great," I smiled. "No problem! They are as gorgeous as you!" He blushed. I blushed at his words. "I'm sorry Harry but I have finals I have to study for," I said sad. "No! Don't worry! Go study! I just wanted to say good night and I love you so much!" He smiled. "Love you to Harry!" I smiled. "Night!" We both said. I stood up from my chair and walked into where Brielle was in the kitchen. I stole a piece of chicken from her. "Hey! That was mine!" She said. "Mine now," I laughed. She rolled her eyes playfully and laughed. "I'm going to go finish my paper for class," I said. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. "Good luck!" Brielle said. "Whoops! Looks like I forgot to log out," I said to myself. I sat down and was about to log out till I heard a girl and a guy's voice. It sounded like the voices from earlier. I decided to listen. I heard kissing going on. "Babe," someone moaned. I couldn't see who it was. It was dark. Was it Niall? No it couldn't be. Liam and Danielle? Nope... Someone turned on the light and I saw who it was.. I covered my mouth with my hands so they wouldn't hear me. Harry is caught cheating on me with some blonde chick!

A/n: Again im sorry if you didnt want me to skip ahead 5 months! haha well chapter 30! I cant believe im at chapter 30 now! And that i have over 1000 reads! Thank you! What do you guys think of chapter 30?? I bet you weren't expecting that! And I don't think Harry will be cheating its just apart of the story((: Also Merry Christmas eve again!!!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now