Torn Apart Chapter 4

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Torn Apart Chapter 4

*Warning: Some languege will be used

Y/n's Pov:

Me and Demi got back from the store and I went straight to the kitchen. I grabbed all the ingredients that we need from the fridge. I love baking cookies it always helps me forget about things. Demi saw me grabbing everything like a crazy person and she laughed. I jumped and knocked all the pans down. She covered her ears and said, "GEEZ Y/N! Didn't mean to scare you from laughing!" I giggled and picked up the pans. "Now come on let's make some cookies! I'm starving! And we should make some for the guys after there interview!" I said cheering. Demi laughed an nodded. I walked over to my phone to text zayn.

To Zaynster<3:

Zayn! You guys come over to mine and Demi's appart ment to celebrate! We made cookies! And maybe other sweets!

It said it sent and I went back to Demi. I grabbed some bowls and poured in the batter. The one thing I love about making cookies is that I love making them homemade! I laughed to myself and Demi looked at me weirdly but she rolled her eyes and laughed. "What were you laughing about!?" She said to me. "Oh you know how i love making homemade cookies." "Of course you do!" I giggled and went to go grabbed my IHome so we can play music. I plugged it in and went to grabbed my phone. When I grabbed my phone I got a new messaged.

From Zaynster<3:

Ok we will but we will be there soon something happened here nothing major so don't worry ok?" I replied by saying

To Zaynster<3:

Ok thanks for the heads up!

I plugged in my phone on the IHome and put on Want You Back from Cher Lloyd. When it started Playing me and Demi started to jam out and sing to it. We poured in the ingredients and I accidently was jamming out to much and I hit the bowl and it fell making a big mess. "Nice goin y/n! Now we have to start all over!" Demi said cracking up. I laughed back and said, "OOPS! SORRY! Didn't mean to jam out so hard!" I said cracking up to. Demi went back to the fridge to grabbed more Ingredients. I walked over to her and hip bumped her when Cher Lloyd's sung Ugh. She fell into the fridge knocking over everything while I stood there cracking up on the floor. "REALLY Y/N! DID U HAVE TO DO THAT! NOW WE HAVE A BIG MESS TO CLEAN UP!" She said shaking her head while smiling. "YES I DID! NOW GUESS WHO HAS TO CLEAN UP! YOU DO!" I said laughing. "OH NO I DON'T! WE BOTH HAVE TO CLEAN UP!" "AWWW WHY ME!" "Because you bumped into me! But we will clean it after we bake cookies!" she said. I Cheered and ran back to the cabinet grabbing another bowl. We redid the cookies and put them into squares and set them in the oven. I screamed loudly making Demi jump. "Why the hell did you scream!?" She said scared. I laughed and said, "BECAUSE WE ARE DONE!" I said. She rolled her eyes and started cleaning up. I went to help her clean up while singing along to her song Give Your Heart A Break. After we finished cleaning up we went to the couch and turned on a movie to watch while we waiting for the cookies. I thought of another idea and ran to the car keys and said, "Demi! I told Zayn we will be having other snacks! So I'm going to the cupcake store and say we made them!" she laughed and nodded. So I went to the cupcake store and bought over 20 cupcakes. I came back home and I went to my phone to also invite Danielle and Eleanor over. They agreed and were over in 10 minutes. We sat back on the couch and we all continued our movie while waiting for the boys to get here.

Niall's Pov:

I was pissed off when Harry said he liked y/n. He knew I was pissed off. I had so much anger in me I had to get it out. "YOU LIKE Y/N!! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. The boys looked at me a little shocked at my outburst. "WHY DO YOU CARE ANYWAYS?!" He yelled back at me. I can tell this wasn't going to end so well. I was quiet for a little thinking what I can say. "LISTEN YOU ASS! STAY AWAY FROM Y/N! I DON'T WANT YOU GOING NEAR HER!" I yelled more angry. "WHO SAYS I HAVE TO STAY AWAYS FROM HER!?" He yelled back at me. "YOU KNOW WHAT! YOU WILL HURT HER! YOU MAY JUST WANT HER TO GET IN BED WITH HER!" I yelled back. " NO I WONT! I ACTUALLY LOVE HER!" I couldn't take it anymore so I charged at him. Next thing I knew my fist was at his face. "YOU DON'T LOVE HER HARRY! " I yelled more mad at him. He began to attack me to and soon we were in a fight. "MAYBE I DO LOVE HER! ITS NOT LIKE YOU DO!" He yelled at me. I love Demi but I don't have the same feelings for her like I have for y/n. When me and Harry were fighting the boys tried breaking us up but it didn't work so they got Paul to break us up. Me and Harry stood up looking at each other like we wanted to kill one another. Me and Harry were covered in bruises and a little bit of blood. We have never fought like that before."Its not like you don't like her!" He said to me. All the guys looked at me including Paul. I blurted out something I shouldn't have said even though I mean it. "MAYBE I DO LIKE HER!"

A/N: Here is chapter 4! Hope you liked it! i tried to make a good cliff hanger! Again sorry for the languege i thought i need it in here

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now