Torn Apart Chapter 52

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Torn Apart Chapter 52

Y/n's Pov:

 Brielle stood there awkwardly. She was playing with her feet while looking down at them. Her arms were behind her back. "What are you doing here," Niall growled. She looked up at us shyly. "I wanted to talk to you guys," she said. "I don't think that would happen," Niall said. "Please I promise I won't do anything bad," she said. "I just want to talk to you guys," she said. "Well I'm not-" he began to say but I cut him off. "Come in," I said. She looked at me shocked for a minute before walking in. I closed the door behind us. Niall looked at me like I was crazy but I ignored his look. Brielle walked to the couch and sat down. I sat down in front of her. Niall sat behind me. "Go on for what you want to talk about," I said. "First off I just want to apologize for what happened this past couple of weeks and past couple of months. I know I did wrong with the lying and playing Harry. I also didn't mean to almost ruin your guy's friendship," she said. She looked for any reaction out of me but I didn't give her any reaction or emotion. She sighed and said, "I also heard about the baby. It was most likely my fault for what happened. I didn't know I pushed you down that hard," she said. Niall wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I didn't know what I was doing and I regret it so much. I regret loosing our friendship and I regret loosing everyone's friendship. I also regret loosing mine and Harry's relationship," she said. "We don't have to make up and become best friends again but all I want is your forgiveness, both of your guy's then ill leave you guys and everyone else alone and you won't hear or see from me again," she said playing her fingers. I looked at Niall then back at Brielle. "I forgive you," I said. She looked up at me a little happy. "But that doesn't mean I'm not still mad at your for you did. I will probably get over sooner or later and that doesn't mean we are going to become best friends again," I said. She looked a little disappointed. "I know I understand," she said. "What about you Niall?" She asked. Niall sighed and said, "I am still mad at you for what you did but I guess I'll forgive you but only because y/n did." "Thank you guys so much!" She said hugging us. We hesitated at first but hugged her back. "Again I'm so sorry and can you do me a favor please?" She asked. "Depends," Niall said. "Will you please tell Harry I said sorry and I hope he will forgive me," she asked. "Sure," I smiled. "Thank you so much and I promise I'll leave you guys and everyone else alone from now on," she said. We nodded and smiled. She walked to the door and opened it. "Also I just want to say congrats you to about the wedding," she smiled before leaving. She closed the door behind her. "Wow," we both said. "I never expected her to stop by," I said. "Me neither," Niall said. "I'm going to call the guys," he said. "I'm going to go call the girls," I said. I got up and grabbed my phone while making my way outside. I dialed all of their numbers so we can have a 6 way call. Yeah I know a lot. (Phone call below)

_- Hey girlies

D,D,D,P,E- Hey!!

Danielle- What's up?

_- You aren't going to believe who showed up on our door step

Perrie- Who?

_- Brielle

D,D,P,E- What!?

Eleanor- Are you serious?

Demi- Your kidding

Dessy- I don't know who she is so I'm lost

_- Dess she was a crazy person who dated Harry and cheated on him and lied to everyone and got Harry to go with her so she almost broke the group up and no not kidding

Dessy- Wait is that the girl Louis was talking about at the beach?

_,D,D,P,E- Yes

Danielle- What did she want?

_- She apologized and wanted me and Niall to forgive her and if we forgave her she would be out of our lives for ever and she wanted me to tell Harry this

Demi- Are you telling Harry?

Perrie- Did you guys forgive her?

_- Yes we did but I said that doesn't mean we are friends again and yes I'm going to tell Harry, today actually

Eleanor- Why the hell would you forgive a person who did that?

I walked over to the beach chairs and sat down. I laid down and held the phone to my ear.

_- Don't worry El, I told her that me and her aren't friends again

Eleanor- You better have she was a nut job

Dessy- I agree

D,D,P- Agree

_- She was and I promised my self I'm not going down that path again

Demi- Good

Perrie- So Dess how was your little lunch date with Harry?

Dessy- It went really well and he asked if I would like to go on another date in a couple of days

_- Where did you guys eat at?

Dessy- Just Nandos, I told him I didn't want to go anywhere fancy and he agreed and we got to know each other a bit better

Eleanor- cute

_- Well guys I better get going, I have to call Harry and tell him

D,D,D,P,E- Bye!

Danielle- Tell us how it goes!

_- Ok bye!

I hung up and I sent a text to Harry.

To Hazz<3:

Hey! Do you mind meeting me in your secret hide out? Got to talk to you<3>
In a matter of seconds, I got a text back from him.

From Hazz<3:

Already there<3>
I smiled and stood up. I walked inside to see Niall sitting watching TV. "How did it go with the guys?" I asked. "Good, they were shocked," he said. "Same with the girls," I said. I walked over and gave him a quick kiss. "Be right back," I said. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To talked to Harry," I said. "Alright have fun but not to much fun and don't miss me to much!" He smiled. I laughed and said, "Will do." I gave him one more kiss before walking out the door. I decided just to walk down there. I walked down the street and into the familiar trees. I wonder how Harry is going to take this? Bad or good? Maybe it won't be so bad or it could be worse. I walked out of the trees and saw the ice cream shop. I walked behind it till I found the door that lead to hide out. I opened it and closed it behind me. I walked up the stairs till I got into the room. I saw Harry out side on the balcony. I opened the sliding glass door then closed it. I walked up next to him. He looked down at me and smiled. "Hey Hazz," I said. "Hey y/n," he said. "What's wrong?" I asked. His facial features changed. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Everything," he said. "Tell me," I said taking his hand. "I'm here to listen," I said. "It's just Brielle," he said. I sighed knowing what he is talking about. "So she also came by your flat to?" I asked looking ahead. He looked at me crazy and confused. Oh she didn't come by. I guess I didn't know what he was talking about. "What do you mean she also came by my flat?" He asked. I sighed and looked up in his eyes. "She came by today and apologized and she told me to tell you how sorry she is and hopes you will also forgive her," I said. "You mean you forgave her?" He asked. "Me and Niall did," I said. "Why the hell would you do that?" He asked clearly upset. "Harry! Listen I didn't want to at first but you can't just stay mad at someone for the rest of your life even though they did wrong!" I said getting upset. I let go of his hand. "She almost broke up all of our friendship and lied to us and cheated! Why would you forgive someone that they cheated?" He asked in disbelief. I stepped forward and looked him straight in the eye. I crossed my arms. He looked mad, upset, and hurt. "I forgave you," I said just above a whisper. His features soften. I shook my head and walked away. I walked inside the hide out. I was about to walk downstairs but an arm grabbed my waist. I was spun around and face to face with Harry. "I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to get mad at you," he said. He looked like he was about to cry. A few tears fell down. I quickly wiped it away. "I'm sorry I don't want to loose you over this," he said. "You won't loose me Hazz just please let me explain," I said. He nodded for me to go on. "Me and Niall were talking about the wedding and there was a knock on the door. I went to open it to see Brielle. I was shocked and so was Niall. Niall got protective and she asked if she could come in and talk to us. Niall wasn't going to allow her but I did because I was curious to know what she was going to say. We all sat on the couch and she started to apologize about everything including the baby. She said if we just forgave her she will leave and be out of our lives for good. I told her I forgave her but that doesn't mean we are friends again. I also told her I'm mad at her still but will get over it sooner or later. She seemed a little sad but nodded understanding. Niall said he forgave her only because I did. Before she left she told me to tell you that she is very sorry and didn't mean to ruin your guy's relationship and our friendship and she hopes you forgive her," I said. "I don't know if I forgive her just yet for what she has done," he said. I nodded understanding. "Also just to let you know I deleted her number a long time ago so I couldn't tell her," I laughed. He laughed a little and smiled. I pulled him in a hug. He wrapped his arms me and smiled. I had to go on my tippy toes to hug him. "Just promise we won't fight again? I hate fighting with you," he said. "Me to its sucks," I chuckled. We let go of the hug. "I heard the news," I smiled. He looked down at me confused. "Congrats on being the best man," I laughed. "Oh that! Thanks its means a lot that Niall asked me," he said. We walked back out to the balcony again. "He was really exciting saying he asked you to be the best man and you said yes," I said. "That's good to hear," he said. "Who do you plan on asking to be the maid of honor?" He asked. He looked at me and we laid against the railing of the balcony. "I'm asking Demi to be," I said. "She will be thrilled," he laughed. "Tell me about it," I smiled. "When is the wedding?" He asked. "After Danielle's for sure so maybe in August or September," I said. "Sound nice, where is it going to be at?" He asked. "On a beach and the colors are going to be purple," I grinned. "After the wedding we will be going to the reception and after we will get changed, I will talk to the girls while he talks to you guys. After the girls I will talk to you lovely boys while he talks to the girls then after we will talk to our own family then Niall will come in and we will take off to the honeymoon," I smiled. "Sounds fun and interesting," he chuckled. "Yeah I can't wait for the wedding," I said. "Me to I can't wait to see my best like brother marry the girl of his dreams," he said. I blushed and smiled. "So how are you and Dessy?" I asked. "Amazing! We are going on another date soon," He said. "I heard!" I said. "I may actually like this girl or love," he said. "She is a very nice girl so keep her," I said. "I'm going to," he smiled. We stayed silent for a minute. It wasn't awkward. "Well I better go visit Demi and ask her if she wants to be the maid of honor," I said. "Good luck," he smiled. "I'll need it," I laughed. "Oh hey Harry?" I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Did you drive here?" I asked. He nodded. "Do you mind taking me down to Demi's?" I asked. "I don't mind, let's go," he said. We went back inside and down the stairs. We walked out and be closed the door behind us. We walked to his car and got in. He started the car and we began driving. "Do you need a ride home?" He asked. "Nah I'll just have Niall pick me up," I said. "Ok," he said. The drive to Demi's wasn't long. "Thank you," I said. "No problem," he smiled. I got out and closed the door. I waved before he drove away. I took my phone out to text Niall.

To Nialler aka hubby<3:

Harry just dropped me off at Demi's don't worry! I will be home soon! Asking Demi to be my maid of honor<3>

I know strange nickname, hubby, but he likes it and plus he put it in my phone. I got a reply instantly.

From Nialler aka hubby<3:

Ok I'm guessing I will be picking you up! be safe love you to<3>

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant