Torn Apart Chapter 3

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Torn Apart Chapter 3

*Warning: Some languege will be involved

Harry's Pov:

"Ok that's all the questions we have for today thank you boys," Ellen said. "And cut! That's a wrap everyone!" The camera guy says. I got up and went back to the dressing room to grab my stuff. "Yeah! We rocked today on that interview!" Zayn yelled while barging through the door. "Yeah we did!" Niall yelled back. I turned around to look at them and smiled and turned back around to find my keys. I wanted to get back to see y/n. My keys were on the table and I quickly grabbed them an started walking out the door but Liam stopped me. "Harry what's the matter!? Why you taking off so fast?" He said. "Oh I'm just going to get some food for me that's all." I replied. Louis was looking at me curiously but I ignored him. "Alright then well see you after?" Liam said wondering if I will. "Maybe ok I have some plans I have to do after that." Liam nodded and went out the doors with the rest of the guys. "Damn it! My phone!" I turned back around and grabbed my phone but when I turned back around Louis was standing there. "Ok Hazz what's the deal?" He said knowing something is up. I can't tell him about y/n or I won't hear the end of it or he might tell Niall. "What are you talking about?" I said trying to think nothing is up. "I know your not going to get food. Is there a girl your interested in?" "WHAT NO!! Why would you think that!?" I said getting a little worried. "Well every time your off to go somewhere right after something you all of a sudden have something to do. Now who is this girl? Are you in love!?" "Well um I love- I MEAN UM-" I was cut off by Louis screaming, "YOUR IN LOVE HAZZA!! YOUR IN LOVE!!!" He scream really loud that the other boys came in to hear what's going on. "Really Louis! I was trying to keep it a secret!" I said a little frustrated. "Oops sorry Hazz guess you got to tell us now!" Louis said looking at me then to the boys.

Y/n's Pov:

"I.. think.. Harry.. likes.. me..." I said pausing between each words. Demi's mouth dropped and her face turned into a frown. "What!? Is something wrong?" I said a little worried. "Yeah! kinda! Do you know what Harry does and what kind of person he is! Do you like him?" "Well no I don't know what he does or what kind of person he is and I kinda do like him a little." I said looking down at the ground. "Listen Y/n let me tell you something." She said walking to me and sitting down next to me. "Ok go on?" I said. "Well Harry is kinda a user but then he isn't. He is a very sweet guy but I have a feeling he will use girls and say anything to get them into bed. Like he dated so many girls before and they never last at all. I don't mind you liking him but just watch out ok? I suggest that you don't date him or you might get hurt like the other times." She said warning me. Yeah she is right, I mean back in high school guys used me an try to get me in bed with them but I never did. "Yeah I guess your right, I mean I don't want to be used again and I can tell Harry is that kind of guy sometimes," I told her. "But I do like him and some other guy but-" She cut me off, "WHO IS THIS OTHER GUY!? IS HE SWEET!? NOT A USER!?" She practically yelled. "No he isn't a user and he is super sweet but-" "BUT WAT! GO AFTER HIM!" "I can't!" "WHY CAN'T YOU!? Is it because of Harry!?" "No! Not because of Harry! It's because he is taken with someone!" I said almost breaking down in tears.

Demi's Pov:

"Yeah I guess your right, I mean I don't want to be used again and I can tell Harry is that kind of guy sometimes," She told me. "But I do like him and some other guy but-" I cut her off, "WHO IS THIS OTHER GUY!? IS HE SWEET!? NOT A USER!?" That's good that she likes another guy because I don't want her to be hurt again after all the guys that ask her. "No he isn't a user and he is super sweet but-" she started telling me but I couldn't take it! She taking forever to tell me so I cut her off again, "BUT WAT! GO AFTER HIM!" "I can't!" "WHY CAN'T YOU!? Is it because of Harry!?" "No! Not because of Harry! It's because he is taken with someone!" She said almost breaking down in tears. I felt so bad for her! Her eyes were red and puffy and I can't stand seeing my best friend cry like that! "WHO IS THIS GUY HURTING MY BEST FRIEND!? IM GOING TO GO KICK HIS ASS!" I yelled all pissed off. She looked at me shocked for the language I used because I never use language like that. "It's no one Demi don't worry about it I'm completely over it." She said to me cleaning up her tears. "No I want to know who this chick is!" I said making her laugh. I smiled at her and rubbed her back making her calm down. I leaned over and hugged her to cheer her up. "It's fine don't worry it's no one really. The girl is super nice and pretty and is better off with the guy," She said smiling and laughing. "Are you sure? I can go over to this chick's place and beat the crap out of her if you like?" I said cheering her more up. "Demi!" She said smiling, I laughed. "You know I only use language when my best friend is hurting right?" "Yes I know you do but i don't care if you use that language I use it to but much more," She told me. "But I'm fine I don't care about it anymore you don't need to beat the crap out of her!" she continued. She stood up and said, "Want to go make some cookies!? It's a good way to forget everything! And plus I'm starving!" She said helping me up. "Yes me to! How about different kinds of cookies and has many as you like?!" I said. "REALLY!! YES! LET'S GO TO THE STORE AND BUY SUGAR COOKIES AND CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES AND SNICKER DOODLES AND-" "Alright! We will buy all the cookies they have!" I said making her giggle and cheer. We Grabbed the car keys and she was out the door in seconds. I started laughing to my self. Wow I have a very crazy friend but i wonder who this guy and girl is, I said To my self. She popped around the door and yelled, "LET'S GO!" and she took off running to the car and honked the horn. I giggled and ran outside so she doesn't go crazy and crash the car.

Harry's Pov:

"Oops sorry Hazz guess you got to tell us now!" Louis said looking at me then to the boys. "I don't know if I can tell you guys who I like," I said a little nervous. "Oh come on Harry! Tell us!" Liam said to me. "Yeah! Come on Hazza! Tell me! We won't freak out!" Zayn said to me. I was still quiet not saying a word. "HARRY! JUST TELL US WHO THE HELL YOU LIKE! PLEASE!" Niall yelled excitly not waiting any longer. "FINE! The girl I like is Y/n!" I said to them. Louis, Zayn, and Liam started saying I so knew it and they also said they called it. And when I turned to Niall his face was turning red and a very furious look on his face. His fist were clenched in a ball, you could tell he was pissed.

A/n: Well this is the last chapter for tonight(: sorry for the languege in here but i hope it wasnt to much.. I would love some feedback to know if i need to improve anything! Hope ya liked it!!

Torn Apart (Y/n) | Niall Horan and Harry Styles **Not Well WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now